
34 violently clichéd phrases that agencies mindlessly add to their positioning

I spend my days looking at agency websites, reviewing creds and asking agency owners to explain why a prospective client would choose to work with them. Sometimes people even pay me for this privilege. It goes without saying that there are a lot of agencies out there. A LOT. And more popping up all the […]

34 violently clichéd phrases that agencies mindlessly add to their positioning Read More »

Are You Positioning Your Social Media Icons Properly?

Are You Positioning Your Social Media Icons Properly? I know: everyone should have proper placement of their social media icons already. But, unfortunately, they don’t. I have visited quite a few websites lately, and I haven’t been able to find the site’s social media assets. I can’t find a Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram – nothing.

Are You Positioning Your Social Media Icons Properly? Read More »

Positioning Your Startup to Raise Venture Capital Funding

By Curt Cuscino There’s a saying in Los Angeles: “Always be camera ready.” Likewise, it can be said for startups: “Always be investor ready.” Are you scrambling to touch up spreadsheets and printing out a mountain of documents before every important meeting? Does even thinking about an investor meeting give you anxiety? Fear not. There are ways you

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A Q&A With Product Positioning Expert April Dunford

There are only a few instances when I wish I could travel back in time. One is when I’m reading the kid’s menu. One is when I stumble upon Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure on TBS. And one is after I’ve launched a new product or campaign. You and I may share that last one.

A Q&A With Product Positioning Expert April Dunford Read More »

B2B Positioning and Messaging: Tips and Advice

Don’t talk to Lawson Abinanti about B2C marketing. It’s not his thing. B2B software and technology, on the other hand? The B2B marketing and messaging consultant has quite a bit to say on that subject! Lawson, founder of Messages That Matter, a fast-track positioning solution for B2B brands, joins me in this episode of Marketing

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Positioning Your Company for the Blockchain Adoption Wave

Some have described blockchain technology as the “internet of money.” Yet many believe that only startup companies with ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) can use blockchain technology in their businesses. The thought process is that older, well-established companies have no need for it. However, Fortune 500 companies including Walmart, IBM, and Microsoft have all launched blockchain initiatives, hoping

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The Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning model

How to use Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) to develop marketing strategies Today, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) is a familiar strategic approach in Modern Marketing. It is one of the most commonly applied marketing models in practice. In our poll asking about the most popular marketing model it is the second most popular, only

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