
Programmatic problems: Fixing a broken market

The rise of digital advertising has brought unparalleled opportunities to target ads and improve performance. With programmatic campaigns, computers can manage ad placements across thousands of sites to target the right audience, at the right time, right across the web. Or so goes the theory. In practice, programmatic advertising is wide open to abuse. A

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Pain Points: A Guide to Finding & Solving Your Customers’ Problems

Like belligerent seniors complaining about how the bad weather aggravates their arthritis, marketers always seem to be talking about pain points. Unlike a bum hip, however, the kind of pain points marketers typically encounter can be a little more complicated. In this post, we’ll be diving into the world of customer pain points – specifically,

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Productivity Problems are Your Business’s Worst Enemies, Here Are 5 Ways to Defeat Them

Improving the productivity of your business — and your employees — is undoubtedly one of every small business owner’s biggest goals. But did you know that your workplace itself might actually be undermining your staff’s productivity? Here are five ways your office could be keeping your employees from doing their best work. Solutions to Productivity

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The Secret Behind Solving Your Small Business Problems

A new infographic titled, “A Visual Guide to Solving Difficult Problems (Backed by Science)” seeks to give you the formula to creatively solve difficult problems. The infographic uses a formula created by mathematician George Polya in 1945 with insights from 7pace, creators of a timetracker software for teams. Polya’s basic four step problem solving process has

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Why The Hell Your Blog Isn’t Getting Traffic? [Problems Revealed]

Share on Pinterest TRAFFIC. The most frightening word in online industry. Starting a blog takes only 3 minutes (I actually set the timer to calculate the time), and writing an article takes another 1-2 hours (if you are writing an average article). We feel awesome after setting the blog and publishing our first article. Then we

Why The Hell Your Blog Isn’t Getting Traffic? [Problems Revealed] Read More »

Small Businesses Struggle With Year-End Payment Problems, Survey Shows

The end of the year is a good time for small and midsize business owners who benefit from U.S. consumers’ holiday spending spree. Twenty percent of the annual revenues the average small and midsize business earns comes in between Thanksgiving and December 31, the second national SMB & Money Survey reports. For companies that sell

Small Businesses Struggle With Year-End Payment Problems, Survey Shows Read More »

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