
How a CDP can help reduce ad spend, drive revenue and build trust with customers

How a CDP can help reduce ad spend, drive revenue and build trust with customers Your privacy means the world to us. We share your personal information only when you give us explicit permission to do so, and confirm we have your permission each time. Learn more by viewing our privacy policy.Ok Source link

How a CDP can help reduce ad spend, drive revenue and build trust with customers Read More »

How to Reduce or Delay Paying Your Bills During the COVID-19 Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc on the finances of many people. Over 22 million workers have become unemployed in a short period of time. Unemployment benefits are available for laid off workers, freelancers, independent contractors, and gig workers, but the availability of some of those benefits has been delayed due to the crush of

How to Reduce or Delay Paying Your Bills During the COVID-19 Crisis Read More »

Reduce Customer Churn With 5 Digital Marketing Agency Growth Hacks

Here’s the reality: most marketing agencies go nowhere. Even fewer achieve scale. So should you be leveraging growth hacks for your digital agency? The answer should be: Why wouldn’t you be trying to grow your digital agency? The number one excuse that holds Donkey agencies back from the wonderful world of Unicorn Agency Land is

Reduce Customer Churn With 5 Digital Marketing Agency Growth Hacks Read More »

Want to reduce your bounce rate, but what does that actually mean? Search Engine Watch

How many times have you quoted a metric plucked from Google Analytics without really knowing what it means? Fear not, you’re not alone. For far too long now, marketers have had misconceptions over how to define one particular metric – bounce rate, either confusing it for exit rate or adding non-existent criteria. So, we’ve put

Want to reduce your bounce rate, but what does that actually mean? Search Engine Watch Read More »

FTC issues ad disclosure guidelines for social influencers, aims to reduce deceptive content

The Federal Trade Commission released on Tuesday a document and accompanying videos that inform on how and when social media influencers must disclose sponsorships to their followers to comply with federal law. Titled Disclosures 101 for Social Media Influencers, the guide provides influencers with pointers on when an advertisement disclosure is necessary and offers examples

FTC issues ad disclosure guidelines for social influencers, aims to reduce deceptive content Read More »

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