
Most businesses say they are 'set up' for remote work - Internet

Most businesses say they are ‘set up’ for remote work – Internet

Nearly three-quarters of businesses are upping their investments in digital security efforts, including the public cloud and AI. Still, only about half of businesses are using AI for many projects, and most businesses continue to store data on-site rather than in the public cloud. More data from Adobe’s report can be found here. Meanwhile, new

Most businesses say they are ‘set up’ for remote work – Internet Read More »

How the “Slack vs Microsoft Teams” race evolves as the world switches to remote work : marketing

After my recent essay “Slack vs Teams vs Workplace: The intriguing dynamics of the work messenger market,” I didn’t plan to revisit the competition between Slack and Microsoft Teams just yet. Despite the rapid development of the work communication market, it is still a B2B market that is changing relatively slowly. However, something extraordinary has

How the “Slack vs Microsoft Teams” race evolves as the world switches to remote work : marketing Read More »

Small agencies brace for impact, but say remote work isn’t slowing them down

Small agencies brace for impact, but say remote work isn’t slowing them down – Marketing Land Your privacy means the world to us. We share your personal information only when you give us explicit permission to do so, and confirm we have your permission each time. Learn more by viewing our privacy policy.Ok

Small agencies brace for impact, but say remote work isn’t slowing them down Read More »

14 Tips to Make Remote Work A Reality for Your Business

The current COVID-19 crisis has turned our company (and many, many others) into a full-remote organization. Now, fortunately, Mention is a remote-friendly company.  For years now, we’ve had full-time remote workers, and Mentionos (that’s how we call ourselves) are allowed to work from home when necessary, no questions asked. In short, we have experience. In

14 Tips to Make Remote Work A Reality for Your Business Read More »

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