

Latest iOS 14 rumors: 11 new iPhone features coming with the next update launch

Celso Bulgatti/CNET Apple’s annual developer’s conference, WWDC, is almost ready to begin, which means we may soon find out what new features Apple has in store for the iPhone with iOS 14. But in the meantime there are plenty of rumors to unpack about what we can expect.  Apple is said to be focusing heavily on […]

Latest iOS 14 rumors: 11 new iPhone features coming with the next update launch Read More »

Rumors, death, and a tech overhaul: Inside Amazon’s race to hire 175,000 workers during a pandemic

It was a surge unlike any other, even for Amazon. In the first quarter of 2020, the e-commerce giant’s net sales increased by 26% over the same period a year earlier. It was panic-buying on a grand scale. search rankings from mid-March awarded top billing to toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and Clorox wipes, but

Rumors, death, and a tech overhaul: Inside Amazon’s race to hire 175,000 workers during a pandemic Read More »

Google: ‘We do updates all the time’ – somewhat confirming February update rumors

Earlier this week, we reported on an unconfirmed Google February search algorithm update. In response to questions about an update, Google’s Danny Sullivan said on Twitter Thursday morning, “We do updates all the time.” He then referred to the company’s advice given around the November update, which Google has described as “several updates.” Google’s response.

Google: ‘We do updates all the time’ – somewhat confirming February update rumors Read More »

Google did several search algorithmic updates; somewhat confirming update rumors

As we covered in our newsletter Tuesday morning, there has been a lot of speculation around a Google search ranking update over the weekend. Google has now somewhat confirmed an update, but said, “We did, actually several updates, just as we have several updates in any given week on a regular basis.” Some have asked

Google did several search algorithmic updates; somewhat confirming update rumors Read More »

Netizen who spread malicious rumors involving Girls’ Generation’s Sunny and actor Lee Seo Jin convicted of defamation

A netizen who spread malicious rumors involving Girls’ Generation‘s Sunny and actor Lee Seo Jin online was convicted of defamation.  On October 18, Magistrates’ court in Daejeon sentenced netizen A to 6 months in jail and 2 years of suspended sentence along with 80 hours of community service. The judge said, “The defendant has posted a

Netizen who spread malicious rumors involving Girls’ Generation’s Sunny and actor Lee Seo Jin convicted of defamation Read More »

16-inch MacBook Pro: Everything the rumors tell us about Apple’s next notebook

For the first time in nearly a decade, a brand new MacBook Pro may be on the way. Rumors have been ramping up for months regarding a brand new 16-inch flagship notebook, expanding Apple’s laptop lineup beyond the 13- and 15-inch models its been selling since 2012. Here’s everything we know so far. The latest:

16-inch MacBook Pro: Everything the rumors tell us about Apple’s next notebook Read More »

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