
Can a Sitcom Teach Philosophy? Meet a Scholar Advising ‘The Good Place’

NBC’s ‘The Good Place’ attempts to build a comedy around the topic of moral philosophy. But can a network sitcom accurately teach concepts like existentialism and the works of Plato and Kant? To try to get their facts straight, the show’s creators invited philosophy scholars into the writers’ room for the show. One of them

Can a Sitcom Teach Philosophy? Meet a Scholar Advising ‘The Good Place’ Read More »

The Day – ‘Disjointed’s’ Bates plays a pot dispensary owner surrounded by sitcom trappings

Humans have been laughing at jokes about inebriation at least since Romans wrote comedy. Once it was drunks who were funny — Otis on “The Andy Griffith Show,” Foster Brooks, Dean Martin — but drunks just seem like alcoholics now. Marijuana, meanwhile, has moved in — pot jokes long ago entered the mainstream — and

The Day – ‘Disjointed’s’ Bates plays a pot dispensary owner surrounded by sitcom trappings Read More »

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