
3 cognitive triggers to increase customer conversion

Understanding some of the basics of the psychology of persuasion and how to apply them, can make a huge difference to your marketing efforts We’ve previously spoken about how psychological principles can help shape and optimize brand communications — not least, referral marketing campaigns. In truth, there’s a whole universe of theories and heuristics belonging

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4 Ways to Use Advanced Triggers & Targeting to Craft Delightful Popups

I’ve already talked at length about how to design more delightful popups by using The Delight Equation, and today I want to extend that concept by discussing the triggers and advanced targeting you can use to make popup experiences even better. I think we’d all agree that showing a popup to your visitors on every

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How Behavioral Triggers Are The Low Hanging Fruit of Marketing Automation

As a journey-man of marketing automation and email marketing, it still amazes me when I read surveys such as the 2017 Oracle & Econsultancy State of Marketing Automation in ANZ. Generally speaking, the low hanging fruit of marketing automation is often not being utilized to improve marketing KPIs, sales performance, and the customer experience. Only

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Seasonal Copy Perks Up Promotions and Triggers Purchases

A few years ago, I started to read a four-page flyer from the hip grocery chain Trader Joe’s and could not stop. I was astounded at its creativity. It promoted product after product with Thanksgiving-related riffs that ranged from calling its Brussels sprouts stalks “the Christmas Trees of Thanksgiving, which herald the start of the

Seasonal Copy Perks Up Promotions and Triggers Purchases Read More »

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