
Facebook removes Trump election campaign posts and ads for using Nazi symbol

(Reuters) — Facebook said on Thursday it took down posts and ads run by the re-election campaign of U.S. President Donald Trump for violating its policy against organized hate. The ads showed a red inverted triangle, a symbol the Nazis used to identify political prisoners, with text asking Facebook users to sign a petition against

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Twitter labels Trump video tweet as manipulated media, continuing its crackdown on misinformation

“Racist baby probably a Trump voter,” the headline then says in a subsequent screen. The video then cuts to the original clip of the children hugging, and then cuts to the message “America is not the problem. Fake news is.” The label is the latest flash point in an increasingly contentious debate over tech companies’

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Twitter Labels Trump Tweet About ‘Racist Baby’ as Manipulated Media

OAKLAND, Calif. — Twitter added a warning to a post from President Trump about a racist baby on Thursday, saying it contained manipulated media designed to mislead people. Mr. Trump’s tweet, which he posted earlier on Thursday, featured a video of two toddlers running down a sidewalk. The video had been altered to appear as

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As Trump warns of leftist violence, a dangerous threat emerges from the right-wing boogaloo movement

Prosecutors even successfully argued before a federal magistrate in Texas over the weekend that a drug possession suspect with alleged boogaloo ties should be denied bond because Facebook and Instagram posts advocating violence against National Guard members and threatening to kill looters showed he was a “threat to the community.” Boogaloo is more of a

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Iran- and China-backed phishers try to hook the Trump and Biden campaigns

State-backed hackers from Iran and China recently targeted the presidential campaigns of Republican President Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden, a Google threat analyst said on Thursday. The revelation is the latest evidence of foreign governments attempting to gain intelligence on US politicians and potentially disrupt or meddle in their election campaigns. An Iran-backed group

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Ceasefire App Looks To Bridge Hostile, Polarized Political Divide

Troubled times seem all the more troubling when any discussion of political issues quickly leads to arguments, name calling, shunning or the dreaded exile of cancel culture. Too often controversial events that demand connection and discourse raise passions that make any kind of communication seemingly impossible. A new social media app looks to remove the

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Trump Executive Order May Target Blogs, Recipe Sites & Forums

A new executive order from President Trump may affect every blog, recipe site, review site, eCommerce site, and online forum that publishes user-generated content. The executive order specifically mentions Facebook and Twitter. But the scope of the order includes all websites that publish user-generated content that is moderated. According to the text published by the

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