
New Google Maps Feature Upsets Users, Gets Removed Within 24 Hours

‘); $(‘#scheader .sc-logo’).append(‘ ‘); $(‘#scheader’).append(”); $(‘#scheader .scdetails’).append(‘ ‘+cat_head_params.sponsor+’ ‘); $(‘#scheader .scdetails’).append(cat_head_params.sponsor_text); $(‘#scheader’).append(‘ ADVERTISEMENT ‘); if(“undefined”!=typeof __gaTracker){ $(‘#scheader a’).click(function(){ __gaTracker( “send”,”event”, “Sponsored Category Click Var 1”, “local-search”, ( $(this).attr(‘href’) ) ); }); } } }); }); Google introduced a new feature to Google Maps on iPhone this week, only to remove it within 24 hours following […]

New Google Maps Feature Upsets Users, Gets Removed Within 24 Hours Read More »

Google Pixel Buds Offer Real Time Translator for Business and Other Users

Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) introduced a slate of new products Wednesday, including its new smartphone the Pixel 2. Arguably the most interesting technology is the Pixel Buds, which are earphones that can reportedly translate foreign languages in real-time. Google Pixel Buds Translation Functionality Priced at $159, the same as its rival Apple’s AirPods, the new wireless earbuds

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Microsoft Apps Give Business Users Flexibility Across PCs and Mobile Devices

Your smartphone gives you access to your small business when you are outside of the office. But when it comes to doing actual work, it leaves much to be desired. Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) has just announced two apps to let you continue working on your PC if you happen to initiate them on your iOS or

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Users now demand more from emojis and more variety

Chart of the day: Heavy users of messaging apps are extremely likely to want to use different emojis and have more variety Emojis are one of the fastest growing languages worldwide. With more than 60 million emojis sent each day and 2,666 emojis in the Unicode Standard to choose from, it’s hard not to notice the popularity of

Users now demand more from emojis and more variety Read More »

Enabling more high quality content for users

In Google’s mission to organize the world’s information, we want to guide Google users to the highest quality content, the principle exemplified in our quality rater guidelines. Professional publishers provide the lion’s share of quality content that benefits users and we want to encourage their success. The ecosystem is sustained via two main sources of

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Is voice search a rising trend for Gen Z mobile users?

Chart of the day: How is the future of search being affected by voice command? Implementing voice search in your mobile UX is one way that brands can look to engage with their audience – including the use of ‘conversational keywords‘. With the rise in voice command software (Siri, Cortana, the production of Amazon Echo Personal

Is voice search a rising trend for Gen Z mobile users? Read More »

Younger Users are Leaving Facebook – Here’s What to Do

At least once a year, a new study is released which shows that younger users are abandoning Facebook at a rapid rate, and suggests, in summary, that Facebook is slowly but surely going to become obsolete. However, with 2 billion users and counting, Facebook’s reported a 71% increase in profit year-over-year. It’s not likely to be going anywhere anytime

Younger Users are Leaving Facebook – Here’s What to Do Read More »

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