
Getting Marketing Attribution Right: Vital for Marketing Careers

Marketing Artists + Attribution Data = Highly Coveted Marketers No matter your familiarity with marketing attribution, if you work in any marketing role today you know what the ultimate goal of your efforts is… to grow the business. For all the complexity of modern marketing, there are really only three ways to grow: customer acquisition, […]

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4 Vital Tips on Managing Your Social Media During a Rebranding

Building your brand from the ground up in social media can be a challenge – from deciding which platforms to use to developing great campaigns that will help get your brand’s name out there. But what if, after all you’ve spent a long time building a brand’s presence in the digital space, you find out

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Why Segmentation is Vital to Your Marketing Success

When I say “segmentation” with regards to marketing, what comes to mind for you? Chances are, you immediately think of email segmentation. Segmenting your emails is crucial to improving your customer engagement and conversion rate. But although emails are the most widely talked about segmentation type, there are countless others. Unfortunately, it’s a process that’s

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Why Earned Media is Vital for Content Marketing Success

“Your reputation precedes you.” This phrase is becoming increasingly common in a world where consumers dig deep into brands before they commit to buying anything. First impressions count, especially when you’re fighting against a sea of competitors all struggling for air in the same metaphorical room. So how can you make sure that all-important first

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