
10 Sustainable Ways to Turn Your Blog into a Profitable Business

Have you been blogging for years and its growth has been stagnant? Maybe, the traffic is not what it used to be in the past. What could you have done that lead to this situation? You’re still uploading consistently, you’re still writing quality articles that are relevant to your audience, and you’re still communicating with […]

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5 Ways Social Media Monitoring can Enhance Your eCommerce Efforts

Social media monitoring – or social media listening as it’s also sometimes called – is a way to collect real-time mentions of predefined keywords from the online sources. The best social media monitoring tools gather data from a range of online sources: social media platforms, blogs, forums, news sites, and websites, etc. The user chooses which

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5 Quick and Easy Ways to Improve Content Creation in 2018

In the world of blogging, nothing is more important than content and traffic to our sites. However, if you aren’t experiencing the traffic that you’ve always been hoping for, you might be focusing too much on your content creation and not your content promotion efforts. With 2018 right around the corner, something that every blogger

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8 Ways to Create Thumb-Stopping Social Media Content

It’s the holidays, which means ‘tis the season for your customers to buy stuff—and spend a lot of time on social media. According to an eMarketer study, 71% of internet users access social networks at least once a month. That’s an estimated 2.46 billion people. And yes, that’s billion, with a “b.” Another notable stat:

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10 Creative Ways to Use Content Marketing to Grow Your Small Business

Content marketing is an excellent way to show off your expertise through thoughtful, actionable articles. It also can lead readers into your sales funnel in a low-pressure manner. To learn how to take advantage of content marketing in your small business, we asked members from FounderSociety this question: Q. How has content marketing helped your business’s reputation,

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4 ways to get legitimate Amazon reviews

Merchants on the Amazon marketplace realize the importance of product and seller reviews. Products with more reviews and better ratings appear higher in Amazon’s search results. Buyers also tend to trust products that have reviews of at least 3.5 stars. However, getting positive reviews is not easy. Sellers sometimes use dubious tactics to obtain them.

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3 Creative Ways to Use Ad Extensions (that Google Won’t Tell You About!)

Question: What kind of advertiser doesn’t want their creative to sprawl down and across the entirety of a prospect’s search engine results page? Answer: A bad one. And how does one achieve such SERP dominance? Why, through ad extensions, of course! As most of you are aware, ad extensions are the extra bits of information

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5 Ways Hotels Can “Check In” More Guests with Social Media Marketing

Hotels and resorts can drive exceptional results with a well-developed and aligned social media strategy. Once such businesses understand the power of social media, and how it can affect the guest experience, they usually find that they are natural content generation machines. With all the people checking in and out daily, there are many different opportunities

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