The Possibilities Are Endless with Video Production Company TopLine Film

Video marketing can take many forms. Businesses can create informative videos, commercials, introductory or brand videos. Luckily, video production company TopLine Film specializes in all of them.

The company actually started out in the marketing realm. So this evolution has actually created a very unique niche for the video production company. Read more below in this week’s Small Business Spotlight.

What the Business Does

Provides a wide array of video and animation services for brands.

The company creates corporate videos, brand videos, animations, event videos, social videos, promotions and even TV advertisements. They also work with brands to create strategies for their video marketing and communications.

Business Niche

Making videos with real impact.

According to the company’s CEO Heather Baker, TopLine Film is most known for its “ability to use video to generate leads and drive growth.”

Basically, they don’t just create videos. They actually combine it with a marketing and sales strategy to help businesses get real results.

How the Business Got Started

After several evolutions.

Before starting the business, Baker says that she was made “redundant” at her previous job. This led her to take the dive into business ownership. Initially, she started the company as a PR firm. But it evolved over time into a focus mainly on video content. However, that evolution is what led to the major focus the team has on strategy and impact today.

Biggest Win

Winning 3x employer awards.

Baker says, “Our industry is so hard when it comes to attracting talent and we are up against some really big companies so this means a lot!”

Biggest Risk

Acquiring another business.

Baker says the decision to grow in this way came last year, along with major financial implications.

She adds, “It could have bankrupt us if it went wrong but it didn’t!”

How They’d Spend an Additional $100,000

Getting more attention.

Baker explains, “I would invest in a huge publicity stunt to put us on the map!”

Company Policy

All dogs allowed.

Baker says, “We have an open door policy when it comes to dogs – at our heyday we had 7 dogs in our small office.”

Favorite Quote

“People are effective because they say no.” – Peter Drucker

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Find out more about the Small Biz Spotlight program

Images: TopLine Film, Facebook; Top Image: CEO Heather Baker, Senior Producer Sian Evans

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