Updated guide to Facebook advertising placements [Infographic]

One of the most underrated aspects of digital advertising is ad placements. Advertisers tend to think that choosing an advertising channel is where their campaigns begin and end. Unknown to them, knowing where to place ads can help determine how strong or how weak of an impact a certain ad will have on audiences.

Before we delve into the power of Facebook as an advertising platform, here are some fast facts and figures from the 2018 Social Media Marketing Industry Report.

  • 72% of marketers use Facebook ads.
  • 34% of survey respondents say Facebook ads allow them to measure their return on investment (ROI).
  • Marketing teams’ top reasons for advertising on Facebook vary from brand exposure to website traffic and lead generation.

Since Facebook ads are helping many businesses in various aspects of marketing, it might be wise for you to turn to Facebook as a channel to promote your brand, products, or services.

Remember that Facebook is the largest social network out there, so it follows that advertisers will have access to the different platforms and multiple placement options available within the Facebook universe. For instance, it’s your choice whether to position your ads based on the settings that Facebook recommends, or to manually select where Facebook should display your ads.

Facebook also supports a myriad of ad types, such as photos, videos, slideshows, animated GIFs, and carousels. These types of ad show up on consumers’ desktop and laptop devices while they’re on the Facebook app.

If you didn’t sign up for automatic placement where Facebook decides the best placement for your ad, you would need to pick where you want your ads to be displayed. You can choose Facebook’s news feed, right column, or affiliate apps, as well as in between long-form articles that appear on the social site. Each ad placement is designed to support certain marketing goals, such as clicks to your website or app installs.

Or if you’re into mobile advertising, Facebook offers you a couple of additional advertising options, too. For instance, you can utilize Facebook’s messaging app, Messenger, to connect with your target audience as they use their mobile phone to exchange messages with Facebook users.

So far, there are three methods of advertising that are supported by Messenger. These are Messenger destination, Messenger home placement, and Sponsored messages placement. If you need more info, our featured infographic discusses the distinction among these methods.

There’s also the “Your Story” feature of Instagram, which is Facebook’s photo and video sharing app. When you have’ an image, video, or carousel ad of your product or service, you can use the Story feature to display your ad. This ensures that your ads will be shown on top of the fold of the Instagram app, giving you more brand exposure right off the bat.

Regardless of the ad type and ad placement that you choose, Facebook canƒ help you engage existing and prospective customers since your ads don’t look too hard sell. Instead, Facebook shows your ads in a way that matches the reading or browsing preferences of social users.15

Indeed, knowing the best ad placements on Facebook can help you maximize the impact and reach of your ads. Refer to our infographic for a more complete and updated discussion of how to use Facebook as an advertising channel for your business.

Updated guide to Facebook advertising placements [Infographic] by the team at Spiralytics Performance Marketing

Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising Placements-rev1-02

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