Using Podcast Interviews As a Lead Gen Tactic

How to make podcasts convert as a lead gen tactic?

Tom said one of the secrets about podcast interviews that they’ve tested are to include three calls to action within the podcast interview. There is a small ask, the medium ask, and then the big ask.

Tom: If you’re on a stage, a digital stage, a podcast, you need your goal.

Your small goal is just get them back to your site, get them back to your site to just look around. Maybe it’s to throw them a Facebook retargeting pixel.

The medium yes could be just to get them to engage a little bit more. From that standpoint, on a podcast interview, if I start talking about a graph or a picture or a video, you can’t see that. If you can drive them back there to learn more from a webinar or something like that, that is a medium.

Then the final one is if somebody has listened to you for 30 to 45 minutes and they know that you’re the person that they want to work with, that your firm helps people just like them. If they’ve heard about you for 30 to 45 minutes and they come ready to engage, well, don’t slow them down in a funnel. If they come with credit card in hand wanting to see the wizard, give them a chance to get there.

Let me give you an example on this. The best practice is always to send them to a dedicated welcome page, right?

If you’re listening to this, you have no idea what Tom Schwab looks like. You have no idea what Interview Valet’s website looks like, and you’re probably coming from a mobile device.

Think about that. That traffic is going to bounce awful and it’s evergreen, right? We’re recording this right now in 2019. There’s somebody right now in 2022 listening to this, and if I sent them to my homepage, that homepage is probably going to change in the next few years.

If they don’t see what they expect, then it’s going to bounce. The best practice is always to say, “Hey, here’s a resource for you, just go back to the website, go to

The first thing they’re going to see is the podcast artwork, right, because that’s a trust seal, a tacit endorsement. The second thing they’re going to see is Nathan’s picture, right, because he is their friend. It’s sort of that once again, trust seal, tacit endorsement. Then there’s some boiler plate texts, and then my picture.

Some people just want to see who the speaker is. There’s going to be three calls to action and a lot of times the small yes, the medium yes and the heck yes.

For me a small yes a lot of times is people will ask, “How do you get on your first podcast interview?” I’ll give them a couple of the secrets and say, “You know, there’s infographic we have, the six secrets to getting on your first podcast interview.” They’ll talk about avoiding mistakes. “Well, there’s a checklist that we have that we give all of our clients. The checklist to have a great podcast interview. If you want to go that, see those, just go back to” That’s the small yeses.

The medium yes could be a video, something to build that relationship. It could be a free offer, something that’s not going to take a lot of time. That could be a free copy of the book, podcast guest profits, how to grow your business with the targeted podcast interview.

Then the big yes, that heck yes. If they come ready to engage after listening to you, well, make it easy for them. The big yes is typically, you know, if you’d like to set up a consultation, if you’d like to talk about this, how you could use this. Well, come back here and you can schedule a time on the link right there. The whole idea is to give them reasons to go from a passive listener to an active visitor and an engaged lead.

Now you can attribute some of that traffic because if you went to that page,, the only way you got there was from the podcast. You know right away, okay, that’s where the traffic came from. You could even in your marketing you could do closed-loop marketing and attribute all of the sales to that.

In your nurturing, you could always mention that podcast hosts that introduced you. There’s just a lot of ways to do that. It’s really just limited by your creativity.

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