WANdisco LiveAnalytics enables data to be analyzed as it moves to the cloud

Data management company WANdisco Plc is debuting a new tool that makes it possible for organizations to analyze on-premises data while it’s being migrated to the cloud.

WANdisco said its LiveAnalytics offering helps to ensure “uninterrupted business insights” as companies move data from on-premises environments such as Hadoop to cloud hosted analytics services such as Spark. The service is unique in that both migrated and migrating data is made continuously available for analysis.

With it, WANdisco reckons it has solved a major headache for many companies, which continually put off migrating their petabyte scale data sets to the cloud because they’re unwilling to interrupt the business operations that rely on them.

LiveAnalytics is meant to work with WANdisco’s new LiveMigrator service, which launched in July and ensures that data is accessible during migration, thereby eliminating any business disruption.

“By using LiveAnalytics with LiveMigrator, business operations and analytics are “business as usual” as data shifts to the cloud – a process that can take months or even years for enterprises,” the company said.

LiveAnalytics and LiveMigrator are both available now, the company said.

Image: WANdisco

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