Webinar: Fraggles, Mobile-First Indexing & the SERP of the Future

Webinar: Fraggles, Mobile-First Indexing & the SERP of the Future

Fraggles are a concept that I have been talking a lot this year. They are a new indexable unit, like a page but smaller, and it appears that Google is indexing them to help them surface answers in search results. This is a speculative theory about how Google works, now that Mobile-First Indexing has launched. It suggests that Google is breaking pages into smaller increments when it decides that different parts of a page fit with different nodes of the Knowledge Graph, or answer different questions. I have blogged about it at length, on the MobileMoxie Blog, called What the Heck are Fraggles, but also on the Moz Blog, called The Real Impact of Mobile-First Indexing & The Importance of Fraggles, which launched right as I walked on stage at MozCon.

The webinar below is a longer version of that talk, with the same slides, but going into a bit more detail. ‘Great if you missed the talk or want to review some of the contents. At the end we give another promo code so that you can check out the MobileMoxie tool set that is featured in many of the examples and stories. That promo code is: WEBINAR004 (The ‘004’ in the promo code is numeric – ‘zero, zero, four’), and use it when you register or just check out the free versions of the tools (with all new names): the SERPerator, for checking local, mobile search results anywhere in the world, the Page-oscope, for checking how pages load or redirect on different phones and in different countries, and the App Rankalyzer, for tracking keyword rankings for your apps in Google Play and the Apple App Store.


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