What happens when you get up at 4.30am for 4 years

What happens when you get up at 4.30am for 4 years?

I have created many habits. We all do.

It keeps life simple and allows us to get things done without having to make constant decisions.

But some are stranger than others.

What shoe I put on first in the morning and what side of the bed I sleep on every night are in the ordinary category.

Have you ever tried to change even those simple habits?

Felt the resistance?

Some habits work for you and others stop you changing and evolving.

A strange habit

What happens when you decide to get up at 4.30am and continue that habit for the next 4 years. And create before starting your day job?

A few years ago I started writing. Not a book but just publishing online.

A passion project.

At first I wrote late in the evening. But it soon changed to an early morning habit.

Five days a week I rose before garbage trucks and street cleaners. Turned off email, social networks and other distractions.

The ritual

The ritual included a coffee, a mug of lemon tea and sitting down and strapping myself in.

I researched, wrote and published. The last step was pushing that content to the waiting world. When you do that one day at a time for years then things start to happen.

Done before most people were awake.

It’s about your creative space. Blocking out time for your “deep work”.

Complexity to simplicity

It’s about designing your life.

Crafting. Sharing your expertise, experience and passion.

We all have the opportunity to be craftsmen. To be creators and producers owning the work. Not beholden to the corporation.

This habit of deep work is not just about productivity. It is much deeper than that.

It is a place where your learning and knowledge goes to a new level. Where you craft complexity into simplicity. Develop insights, influence and thought leadership.

Where magic happens

This personal creation is an investment in you.

But……don’t keep your creation hidden from the world.

Share it.

That is where the magic happens.

The reality is there are different approaches that you can apply to this life transforming habit.

Its not size fits all.

Check out “The One Habit that Transformed my Life“to find out more.

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