What would happen if you did these things every day… – Red Lemon Club

For thirty days…

  • Reached out to someone to ask for help.
  • Wrote a thousand words of total crap.
  • Painted a picture and shared it online.
  • Read fifty pages of a book.
  • Quit watching porn.
  • Did something that scared you.
  • Wrote down twenty new ideas.
  • Did fifty press-ups.
  • Took and shared an interesting photograph.
  • Made something from clay.
  • Talked to a stranger in the street.
  • Quit sugar.
  • Made a smoothie.
  • Went without the Internet entirely.
  • Did something randomly kind for someone.
  • Wrote a page of a book…of poems, of non-fiction, a novel, a children’s book.
  • Made a video of you talking on any topic.
  • Read an entire book.
  • Learned the summary of a book.
  • Avoided watching YouTube videos.
  • Wrote a blog post and published it.
  • Went for an hour-long walk.

Sometimes we don’t see how powerful something can be until we commit to doing it in sequence. Thirty days gives you a taste of being disciplined; of habit-building.

Whether it’s to quit coffee, sugar, porn, or reading more, I’ve seen the most substantial changes in my life come with small, daily habit-changes.

Thirty days shows you what happens when you allow an action to build up.

Incremental improvement through consistent accumulation is, after all, the secret to success.

Do something for thirty days, and you will no longer need a plan for success — you will believe in yourself because you are already doing it.

Even if it seems inconsequential, you are training yourself in the forgotten art of being and going steady.

How might doing this for thirty days change things?

What would you do to ensure you did this thing every day, without fail?

How would it change the perception you have of yourself?

How might it affect your self-discipline?

How might doing it spur on new ideas and new habits?

What would it take?


Allow the idea to excite you deep in your core.

And make it happen.

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