What’s Australian For Streisand Effect? Perhaps It’s Fatty McFuckhead

from the dude,-that’s-not-defamation dept

We’ve covered a few times just how strange Australian defamation law can be, so I wouldn’t even take a guess at how the courts might come down on the question of whether or not calling billionaire Clive Palmer “Fatty McFuckhead” is defamatory. However, I will note that if Palmer didn’t want people to start associating himself with the name Fatty McFuckhead, he might have thought twice about threatening to sue someone over that moniker.

As detailed in this fairly amusing video, a popular YouTuber named Jordan Shanks, but better known as Friendly Jordies, has been making a bit of fun of the billionaire, and that apparently is something that Palmer just won’t stand for. Shanks goes through the legal threat letter in detail in the 26 minute video:

The video is… pretty incredible. Shanks goes through in quite a lot of detail responding to the threat letter, and laying out why he thinks Palmer deserves basically everything that Shanks said about him, and also “corrects the record” on one point, where he argues the letter alerted him that his original statements about Palmer might not have gone far enough.

We’ve seen this story play out so many times now. Someone super wealthy sends off a defamation threat letter to someone they know doesn’t have much money, likely hoping to intimidate them into stopping being so mean to them. And, perhaps that works in some cases. But in so many cases it just leaves lots and lots of people curious as to why Clive Palmer doesn’t want to be called Fatty McFuckhead.

Filed Under: australia, clive palmer, defamation, fatty mcfuckhead, free speech, friendly jordies, jordan shanks, streisand effect

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