Why Businesses Need to Create Accessible Videos

Why Businesses Need to Create Accessible Videos

Video content is favored among users as well as search engines. For users, video can make even the most complex topic digestible in a matter of minutes. And the search engines know that users often prefer to consume video content if it contains information they’re looking for, and so they rank video content higher in search results.

In addition to being easier to understand and consume, video in general is more likely to be shared by users, making it an excellent marketing tool. Videos also capable of being viewed or listened to by anyone, including those with disabilities.

That’s why companies should create accessible videos—i.e., those that are 508-compliant, especially in the case of videos distributed by federal government agencies. (Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a US law that protects those with disabilities and, inter alia, requires that certain elements, like captions and other audio descriptors, be included with video used by the government or for educational purposes.)

Whether you’ve already implemented a video strategy or you’re looking to add video to your marketing toolkit, here are a few reasons you need to create accessible videos.

First, what are accessible videos?

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