Why Do People Still Sleep on Blog Commenting?

Be honest.

Did you pick your blogging niche mainly to make money? Or do you blog mainly to follow your passion? Be straight with yourself. Being honest makes the difference between happiness and misery, and, the difference between success and failure.

10 years ago I chose my blogging niche mainly to make money. I had little interest enjoying the ride and helping people. I did have a wee bit fun, freeing driver, but that intent shifted fairly quickly. I figured it’d be easy to make money blogging because top pros showed it’d be easy. Pros I followed back then, at least.

But I quickly learned being a pro blogger was no joke.

I picked the wrong niche because profits mainly drove me. Big mistake.

In my eBook: How to Pick the Right Blogging Niche

I explain how to pick the proper niche for you. Most bloggers struggle because they do not pick a niche for themselves and for their enjoyment; these folks chase money, so the niche is for money, not self. Money never arrives fast because money arrives after you practice writing, improve your skills and build your network. Why do you keep blogging if you make no money and money is your prime driver? You don’t keep blogging. Or you fail terribly, until you blog your passion versus mainly blogging for profits.

Choose Passion Over Profits

Choose your blogging passion for your driver; make the work, the reward. Profits feel like extra, which needs to be the case because you will not make money for a while. Remember; you need to practice for a long time to develop the skills, content and connections to command money for your premium offerings. Nobody makes money right away because no new blogger has a complete blogging skill set. Perhaps you have industry knowledge but you have no clue how to create content and build connections. Practice, time and trust factor deeply into the blog monetizing equation.

From my trip to Oman.

Pick your niche based on what you love doing. Do you dislike covering your current niche? Trash the blog. Do yourself a favor. Avoid the nightmare of spending years struggling, doing something you do not enjoy doing. You may as well work a job. Quit blogging, get a 9-5 job offline and at least get a steady paycheck and some comfort, if you are going to be miserable.

How Did You Pick Your Niche?

Most bloggers lie to themselves on niche selection because most bloggers claim to follow their passion on some level but in the next breath, these bloggers struggle for years. Guess what? If you struggle for a long time, you are chasing profits, not following your passion. Passionate bloggers put in the time, practice writing, build meaningful connections and publish helpful content. Check all those marks for 6-12 hours daily and you will begin making some solid coin over years.

Do you genuinely love your niche? If not, trash it. Start quickly and intelligently from an abundant, generous, powerful energy. Blogging From Paradise took off fairly quickly because I trashed on old blog and my old niche and followed my passion. Nothing held me back. Nothing pulled me back. Nothing held me down like an anchor.

Trashing a losing venture and blogging money obsession beats holding onto a losing venture and wasting your blogging time for years. Nobody succeeds from a happy, abundant energy trying to squeeze cash out of a blog because you cannot get big bucks unless you render big time service. Bloggers who follow their fun and make profits feel like bonuses are the exact folks who render the greatest service online.


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