Why is content optimization important in your healthcare content strategy? | Marketing Matters

Why is content optimization important in your healthcare content strategy? | Marketing Matters

The healthcare industry provides care to the general public. By marketing standards, that’s a broad audience to target with written content.

Content optimization is a window of opportunity to get the most out of a compelling article or blog that you create. Through this strategy, you gain the chance to write with a focused purpose that serves your patients’ needs.

At InnerAction Media, we believe creating valuable, powerful and advantageous content is the first step in viewing the topic through your patients’ perspective — what they are striving towards, needing or wanting. Here, you get the chance to tell their story.

At IAM, we work with many niche healthcare companies from physical therapy, dermatology, orthopedics, hospice to physical fitness and all of them benefit from telling their patient’s story, rather than their own. Top benefits of utilizing patient stories in content include building trust and fostering stronger patient to doctor relationships.

How else do we focus on optimizing content to attract new patients for our healthcare clients? At IAM, we have an approach to make sure your patients are the hero of your story by leveraging the Buyers Journey Stages:




Our inbound marketing method allows for understanding patients better while building trustworthy relationships. Creating great optimizable content is a bonus, too!

Go-to writing tips to optimize your next blog or article to be search engine-friendly include:

Shorten the URL — The URL doesn’t have to be long. Shorten the length and cut out article words like “a” or “the” without losing context to your blog.

Image Alt Text — Add text to the image alt text for better search engine optimization (SEO) results. This can be a variation of the blog or article title.

Meta Description — This description also helps with SEO. It gives the audience a preview of your published content. Stick between 150 to 160 characters and be sure to include keywords.

Links — Links are your friend. These should be positioned throughout the post. Your goal is to provide the audience with the most helpful information. External links are valuable to articulate a specific point better. Quick Tip: Always open links and content to a new window.

Call-To-Action (CTA) — CTAs are useful to allow engagement in your post. The audience is encouraged to subscribe, call, download or more. Place the CTA after a few paragraphs via a hyperlink. End with a CTA button prompting your potential patient to call or apply.

Whitespace, Section Headers, and Images — Using whitespace, section headers, images break up the content on your published post. The content becomes easier to read and more appealing to the eye. Plus, it helps people find more of what they’re looking for quicker when reading your content.

Get social — Add social sharing buttons to your post to allow the audience to share, retweet, like, etc. and enhance engagement.

Add Video — Adding video to your written content will not only attract visual learners, but it can also keep your audience on the website page for longer, giving Google the signal that your content is relevant and reliable.

Make the best out of your content to attract the patients you want. Contact us to learn more about our content development process.

EMBED VIDEO: https://vimeo.com/335911731

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