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4 Places To Find Blog Post Ideas

Even though I publish only 2 blog posts weekly on Blogging From Paradise I publish 1 guest post daily on Blogging Tips and The Huffington Post. As of this writing I’ve published 240 plus guest posts on each of those sites alone.

Factor in the hundreds of guesties I have placed on other blogs and I have written a high volume of guest posts during my online career.

How do I generate enough ideas to write such a volume of guest posts?

I know where to look to find, mine and cultivate blog post ideas.

A few goldmines exist online but you need to know where to trawl for the highest volume of quality blog post ideas.

Peep these 4 places to put writer’s block in your rear view mirror forever.

1: Quora

Quora is one of my favorite places to find blog post ideas because a massive, targeted, global audience hops on the network daily to ask probing questions.

I spend so much time answering questions and fishing for blog post ideas on Quora that I recently generated 100,000 views on my answers over 4 short months of being an active member in this community.

Answer questions on relevant topics. What questions seem to pop up again and again? Write blog posts designed to answer these common questions. Never run out of blog posts ideas.

2: Comments Sections On Top Blogs

I could run 10 blogs based on the blog post ideas I generate through comments on Blogging From Paradise alone. Readers are quick to share their most difficult struggles, their grandest victories and their biggest dreams with me through my comments.

If you aren’t receiving many comments yet just peep top blogs from your niche. Blogging tips bloggers would be lounge lizards in the Pro Blogger comments section. Observe comments. Patiently mine ideas from reader feedback.

Trawling through top blog comment sections is a “fish in the barrel” easy way to find post ideas because many posts generate 10, 20, 50 comments or more.

3: Niche Forums

I spend 30 minutes daily on the Warrior Forum to answer questions and to find blog post ideas for Blogging From Paradise. Niche forums are among the best places to find and convert ideas into thorough, helpful blog posts.

These people literally bring blog ideas to you on a silver platter through their pain points, their dreams and their biggest problems. Solve their problems. Answer their questions.

I note popular patterns on forums. Which posts get the most engagement? These posts are goldmines for your blog. Cover these popular topics in detail for a series of helpful posts.

4: Email Newsletter Polls

Polling your readers is an easy, quick way to find unlimited blog post ideas. Why not go right to the source rather than fumble and bumble around with trying to generate blog post ideas on your own?

Make it easier on yourself. Poll your readers via your email newsletter. Consider asking readers through your blog or through social media what they want you to blog about. Your readers know exactly what they want you to blog about and you’ll never run out of blog post ideas if you keep reaching into this ample well of ideas.


Once you nabbed a blog post idea or 2 the next step is to create a helpful, insightful post in minimal time. No need to spend hours writing a blog post to make an impact and to solve your reader’s problems.

As I just arrived on the Upper West Side of NYC for a house sit I thought it’d be fun to share a video I recorded a while back when on a mid town house sit.

Watch to learn how to create a blog post quickly:

Your Turn

Do you regularly visit these online spots to nab blog post ideas? Or are you slamming into writer’s block and have a difficult time getting ideas for your blog?

What spots can you add to this list? Where do you find a wealth of blog post ideas?

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