1 Blogging Accelerant to Big Time Success

Most bloggers want to know what to do, or what to buy, or how they should act even to become successful bloggers.

Few get this basic secret of blogging and life that handcuffs folks left and right.

Letting go precedes acquiring.

Or more accurately; the #1 factor that accelerates your blogging success is your willingness to let go the old, tired and worn out.


About 4 years ago I ran a blog about a few different topics. Good deal. I developed a full time income through the blog, experiencing some worldly success. Great. But I felt bored. I was worn out. A bit burned out too. I had a difficult time raising my energy when I sat down to write a blog post or record a video. I even began running into some resistance financially.

When pressed with a big time decision I chose to let go my blog, my brand and my online cash flow streams. Terribly uncomfortable choice at the time but hands down it was the biggest decision of my blogging career save buying my domain and hosting 10 years ago.

Why did I make the decision?

I knew letting go would accelerate my blogging growth.

Did it ever!

A few weeks into creating Blogging From Paradise I was receiving up to 60 comments per blog post. My traffic spiked. Engagement jumped through the roof. Good things flowed my way. Even though I did not monetize the blog I had no issue growing my freelance writing business in addition to adding income through other streams.

Why the Blogging Growth?

When you let go a blog or business relationship or client or income stream that feels heavy, like a burden, you literally lighten your energetic load. Imagine running up hill carrying a water buffalo. Most bloggers refuse to let go for fear of loss, so they are trying to run up Mount Everest holding a water buffalo, energetically-speaking. This is why they struggle terribly. No loving, uplifting, light energetic momentum working for them.

After I trashed the old blog to make room for Blogging From Paradise I felt like I was running down a hill wearing only my shorts. Light. Free as a bird, Easy. Effortless. From an energetic perspective, of course.

My videos flowed. My blog posts flowed. I did  better job helping clients. I felt great. I had fun. I blogged mainly from energies of love and fun, generously giving of my time and talents.

My productivity rocketed upward.

Speaking of productivity, read this helpful article by Benjamin Ehinger. He breaks down productivity advice for the weird:

My Productivity Advice for the Weird

Everything took off because I lightened my energetic burden. I lightened my energetic burden by facing, embracing and releasing the fear of loss, so I could let go, release and grow like a stinking weed.

Practical Tips

  • scan your blog; what needs to go?
  • release anything you need to let go, from an old and worn out blog, to clients who simply are not good matches
  • be on the lookout for exciting opportunities that pop up in terms of partnerships, blog ideas, business ideas or anything that flows your way after you let go

Be open guys.

Let go.

Grow your blog quickly.


Watch me discuss this concept via a Facebook Live Broadcast in a Little Princess Paradise.

This is not my room.


Are you letting go with your blog?

What have you let go recently to accelerate your blogging success?

What can you let go to become a more successful blogger?

Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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