1 in 4 Companies Say Social Media is the Worst Place to Recruit

One in 4 companies (24%) say that social media is the least effective method of recruiting. 80% of businesses believe that interviews are an essential way to hire the best talent. However, 21% of companies say they regret relying on interviews alone in the hiring process, and instead say they had wished they had also tested candidates’ skills.

These recruiting statistics were unveiled by a new survey compiled by Clutch, which surveyed 505 full-time employees in the US.

Clutch’s research sheds important light on what companies deem as the most effective and ineffective recruiting strategies are. The findings of the report could prove useful in helping small businesses streamline their recruitment processes and find the most effective ways to hire the best talent.

A Closer Look at Some Survey Results

For example, with almost a quarter of companies admitting social media is the least effective method for recruiting, for small businesses using social media as their primary way to find the best talent, they may be better off focusing more heavily on other platforms and methods to find potential recruits.

Small businesses who rely on interviews alone and refrain from testing a potential candidate’s skills and experience for the position, may want to reconsider their recruitment process strategy and take the time to test a prospective employee’s skills more ardently, in light of Clutch’s findings.

Small businesses may also want to reconsider their interviewing style in the bid to find the right talent. As Jesse Silkoff, founder of MyRoofingPal, an online marketplace which connects customers with local roofers, who ended up recruiting an unsuitable candidate which aced the interview but struggled with the role, commented in a blog about Clutch’s research:

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“I used to use a strict, by-the-books, question-after-question interview style.

“I think if I had a less rigid interviewing style, I would have noticed that his answers seemed very generic.

“Unfortunately, that ended up being someone who said the right things but didn’t have the qualifications or the work ethic when it came to actually following through,” Silkoff continued.

2020 Recruiting Statistics

Check out some other key findings of Clutch’s report. For example, 24% of companies say they spend more on online job postings than other recruiting strategy. And 23% of survey participants say they plan to invest more in recruitment technology. Finally 11% of companies say they are planning on investing more in an employee referral program.

The research also found that 8% of companies plan to invest in passive recruiting. This statistic forecasts small business strategy over the next year. It involves attracting employees that might not be actively looking for a job.

Clutch’s research shows the important role recruitment strategies play. Hiring the best people for a job remains critical. Compete for top talent and operate a more robust, successful and profitable business. To do this, you need a strong recruitment strategy in place.

Image: Depositphotos.com

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