2 Clear Ways to Get on Top Blogs

I received the highest volume of pitch emails I’ve ever received today.

Per usual, I sent a quick little email to the pitching crowd.

I emailed a link to how to get featured on my blog, explaining how to build a friendship with me over time by helping me out.

I also explained how paying for sponsored posts – if the content quality matches Blogging From Paradise – is another viable option for appearing on my blog.

You either:

  1. pay in time
  2. pay in money

to get featured on my blog or any established blog.

To get, you give.

Or to get featured, you need to pay something.



Where Bloggers Mess Up

Most pitching bloggers simply offered to write content for me. As if the content opened doors that hundreds of other bloggers have been working toward tirelessly.

Nothing of value there. I have no idea if these strangers can write well. I also have no clue if the strangers have me, my audience and my reputation in their best interests because I do not know them.

Some folks bust their tail to promote me and improve their writing skills. Said folks move to the front of the the line for features on my blog.

This crowd pays in time.

Other people wish not to befriend me. Said bloggers feel too busy to do so. No worries. If you want not to befriends me and pay in time to foster a relationship, you pay money.

You are paying something though because just offering to write a post for me when your writing skills are not on par with the BFP voice and when you are a stranger to me it places you behind hundreds of people on line for placement on BFP. The hundreds of folks on line before you:

  • retweeted my posts for months and years
  • Facebook Shared my posts for months and years
  • featured me on their blogs
  • interviewed me
  • endorsed me
  • bought my eBooks
  • bought my courses
  • bought my audio books
  • hired me

and these folks did not ask for anything in return. They helped me generously. They cut strings, not trying to squeeze anything out of me.

My friends treat me like friends. Everybody else tends to want to get something out of me without giving me anything or by giving me something measly and cheap in nature.

A blog post? Really? When I don’t know you from Adam?

Anda Galffy has been commenting on my posts and promoting me for years. She is a friend. She helps me without looking for anything so I know she appreciates my content and appreciates me. Of course I will feature her on Blogging Tips; her generosity will continue to flow to her through features and increased success throughout all of her life.

Drewry at DNN has also commented on my blog for years. He features me on his site persistently too. He gets the nod for a mention on this blog because he is interested in me and the value I share; he is not focused on what I can do for him.

See how Anda and Drewry get it? Each rocking bloggers is a heart-centered entrepreneur who naturally behaves in kind fashion. But most bloggers need coaching, direction and nudging to get how to do influencer marketing correctly.

Anda and Drewry are paying in time to position themselves to be featured on top blogs.

How are you paying?

Are you paying in time or money?


I filmed a short video from Thailand fleshing out this concept. You either pay in time or money to get featured on well known blogs.

Watch as I discuss. Plus enjoy Yoda the French Bulldog and you may peep Lentil the Cat too.

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