3 Ways to Be a Nicer – and Successful – Blogger

Being nice prospers you as a blogger.

No joke.

Nice bloggers are showered with opportunities.

Nice bloggers open doors that folks who aren’t nice never seem to find, and sure as hell never open.

Watch this video of me in New York City chatting about a blogging tip for the ages.

Bonus clips; I fend off an aggressive Tom Cat and show off my newly found yoga skills too:

When you are not known, blogging-wise, being nice helps you gain exposure. Someone may mention you as a blogger on the come up, through a blog post mini feature or perhaps a Retweet.

When you are more established, with big time writing skills, guest post invites will freely flow your way, if you are just plain nice.

What Does Being Nice Mean?

Be generous. Be helpful. Give without asking for anything in return. Be pleasant. Be polite. Be happy. Be cheery.

Inject all of these energies into your blogging campaign.

Here’s how to be a nicer blogger.

1: Promote a Fellow Blogger without Looking for Anything in Return

This one is easy.

Retweet a fellow blogger or mention them on your blog or Facebook Share their latest blog post.

Be generous.

Do not look for anything in return.

Such promotions are nice, and generous and hella prospering in the long run.

The friends I’ve made by promoting other bloggers without looking for anything in return have expanded my reach, have boosted my traffic and have grown my business exponentially.

All it takes is a quick 3 sentence mention in your next blog post. Or perhaps you can interview a fellow blogger.

A RT here, a Google Plus Share there and you lay the foundation for a prospering blogging friendship. All through the power of being nice.

2: Email Asking If You Can Help a Blogger

I periodically hop into my gmail account and send personalized emails to my blogging buddies asking how I can help them.

Do they want a Retweet? Maybe a thoughtful blog comment? Or can I help them in any other way?

Can I review their free giveaway?

I just ask and get the heck out of the way.

Being nice in this manner has helped me land clients, increase eBook sales and grow my blogging income streams steadily.

All through the power of being nice.

Hit your inbox right now. Spend a few minutes emailing friends. Ask how you can help them. Be of service. Be nice.

3: Walk the Extra Step

Alonzo Pichardo does a fabulous job embodying this concept.

Of course, walking the extra step – in a world where most bloggers don’t want to leave their seat – is a powerful way to shine brightly and to grow your blogging business.

How it works: never allow someone to leave an interaction empty-handed.

Share a helpful link to a blog post or other resource to give individuals assistance and study materials to work with.

The sheer volume of both views and Likes on Alonzo’s YouTube channel is ample evidence; he has helped many people generously over the years.

Help someone with a sentence or 2 of wisdom. Then toss in a link to a blog post, video or resource to point them in the right direction.

This is a nice way to spread the love and also to grow a loyal, loving community around your blog.

Take the extra step. Outshine the majority of bloggers who wants to be successful but has no interest in genuinely serving people.

Your Turn

How are you being a nice blogger?

What tips can you add to this list?

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