5 Lessons in Office Design From TED’s Innovative New York Digs

The nonprofit media company TED is all about producing inspiring and innovate videos. Since the organization’s launch in 1984, TED has been on a mission to gather and disperse “ideas worth sharing.” TED’s speaker roster is home to a host of impressive names, with recorded talks from individuals such Elon Musk, Tony Robbins, and even Pope Francis.

TED operates in New York with office space in the trendy SOHO neighborhood. As you might expect, TED has created an ideal place for workers to remain creative and focused.

If you’re looking to do an office re-design, don’t start the project from scratch. Instead, look to innovative organizations like TED to jumpstart the brainstorming process.  

Here are 5 lessons from TED to build a better office space:

1.       Don’t forget your green thumb – with all the technology and screen time required of today’s employees; it’s essential to re-ground them by integrating plants into the overall design. TED’s office looks into the atrium, but the glass has been draped with tall plants to provide both protection and a connection to nature.

2.       Get your employees involved – by integrating your employees’ ideas into the build-out process, they will feel more ownership and pride over the space. In TED’s office, employee pictures are framed and hung upon the walls.

3.        Brand your office space – no matter big or small your company is, take the opportunity to brand your space. Inside TED’s 100-person amphitheater the organization’s red logo is prominently displayed for all to see. While the amphitheater is mostly used to watch and record TED talks, it also serves as in ideal branding opportunity, with visitors regularly taking pictures in front of the iconic branding.

4.       Celebrate the differences – not all workers reach maximum productivity, in the same way, so offering different workspaces will benefit the range of personalities on your team. TED chose an open floor plan, but they offer a variety of desk options, such as sitting desk, standing desks, and even swivel chairs with work trays.

5.       Design for the future – your office space should represent where the company is today, but also where your organization is headed. TED’s recent office overhaul was completed with the company’s future in mind, and yours should be too.

When you think of designing your workspace, be sure to integrate these tips. Your employees will thank you and productivity will soar.

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