8 Easy Ways to Save Time, Boost Productivity, & Grow Your Business | AWeber

8 Easy Ways to Save Time, Boost Productivity, & Grow Your Business | AWeber

Never feel strapped for time again with these life-changing productivity hacks, apps, and integrations for small businesses.

You probably wear a lot of hats.

Marketing hats, finance hats, customer support hats, and even sales hats.

That’s not even including all the operations and strategy work that goes into running your business. 

With juggling all these different priorities, you probably feel like there is never enough time to get everything done.

But when you add a few integrations that automate your email marketing, you’ll be amazed how many hours you can save each week. With this new free time, you can focus your efforts on growing your business. 

This post will explore how you can use AWeber and a few easy-to-install integrations to save time and increase productivity.

1. Grow your list on all marketing channels 

What’s the number one regret most established business owners have?

They wish they started growing their email list sooner. 

Look for opportunities to grow your business on any channel that you interact with potential customers. 

For instance, social media is an awesome way to raise awareness and have meaningful conversations with your audience. With some key integrations, it is easier than ever to collect contact information from all of the different marketing channels you use to interact with your audience. 

Let’s look at Facebook. You might find Facebook Lead Ads a great way to grow your audience since this tool allows you to find people who may be interested in your products of services and collect information from them. You can automatically add new leads to your AWeber account and send an automated email to welcome a new subscriber. 

You can also add tags to each new contact. This lets you personalize your communication even more. Automating this integration will not just save you time but could increase conversions by 53%.

Pro tip: Consider installing new Facebook Leads through Automate.io to grow your subscriber list.

Personalization in email marketing is the secret sauce to converting visitors into customers. 

80% of customers are more likely to purchase from a brand providing personalized experiences, and the best way to get that information is by monitoring their behavior on your website. Knowing how visitors navigate your website will help you understand their pain points, interests and cater your message accordingly — which is much more effective than following a one size fits all strategy.

AWeber’s Email Web Analytics can help you get that information about your subscribers. All you need to do is place a simple one-line JavaScript code on your website. You can find the code on the Tracking page under the “Reports” tab in AWeber.

Once analytics are set up, you’ll be able to segment your users based on pages they visit on your website. 

3. Keep subscribers on the right list

If you manage your subscribers with different lists or tags, keeping subscriber information up to date can take a lot of time. But investing the time to organize your subscriber information is important to ensure you send them relevant content. 

Some of the most popular ecommerce solutions have integrations with AWeber to make it easier to ensure contacts are up to date based on website activity and purchasing behavior.  

For example, if you have an AWeber list in place to promote products to subscribers who haven’t purchased yet, it’s essential to remove them from this list when they actually make a purchase. Or, if you are using one list, you need to ensure that Tags are added or removed based on purchase activity.

AWeber’s integration with leading eCommerce platforms allows for advanced functions like managing what they purchased and, in some cases, even initiating an abandoned cart campaign.

Pro tip:  For a seamless ecommerce experience explore our integration with Shopify, or WooCommerce

4. Send text SMS test notifications to connect with subscribers

Timing is everything when making a sale. One study shows that a delay of 5 minutes reduces the chance of qualifying a lead by 80%.

One sure-fire way to ensure you don’t miss out on potential customers is to set up automated text notifications when you receive a new contact request. 

SMS text messages are text messages sent in response to customers or prospects who opt to receive a message to their phone after an event or transaction occurs somewhere else.

SMS notifications are a great way to keep your customer informed about your business. Typically, they notify people about upcoming sales and provide coupons, keep the conversation going on social networks, or direct people to a retail store.  

Did you know that there are SMS text integrations that allow you to send a text SMS notification? 

Pro tip: Send SMS text messages via Twilio or send SMS via Nexmo

5. Follow-up with leads who cancel appointments 

Coordinating your calendar with potential customers manually takes a lot of time. Thankfully, this task is easily automated.

Consider the scenario when a potential customer doesn’t show up for a scheduled meeting. Following up with them to reschedule is your next best step, but it can take multiple attempts for you to get them rescheduled.

Instead of following up manually, you can use scheduling integrations to automate tagging leads who canceled their appointments. This will add them to an email campaign in AWeber. 

Include a calendar link in your email. Then your customer can choose the date and time that works for them, and the tool will automatically schedule the events in your calendar.

This way, you can receive invites for rescheduled meetings in your inbox while you focus on other opportunities to grow your business.

Pro tip: Tag AWeber subscribers on canceled appointments in Acuity or Calendly

6. Sync AWeber to bookkeeping apps 

Let’s talk money. As a business owner, you know your cash flow and upcoming expenses like the back of your hand, right?

But keeping track of expenses can be time-consuming and tedious. Luckily there are simple integrations that connect with some of the most popular finance apps, allowing you to easily track expenses and help you determine if there are areas you need to increase to reduce spending.

When you integrate AWeber with your finance software, you have the latest information about a customer’s purchase activities at a glance. It is easier than ever to know specifics regarding the purchase if you need to address a billing query or issue a refund. 

When you integrate with your financial software, you can quickly gather essential details to understand your audiences’ purchase behavior better, helping you sell other relevant products or services.

Pro tip:  Add AWeber subscribers to QuickBooks

7. Request feedback from your customers and track customer issues

Customer service can make or break your business. Gathering customer feedback lets you better understand your business’ strengths and opportunities for improvement. 

But when is the best time to ask your customer for feedback? 

Gather feedback after they turned to you for help. You can use this opportunity to ask them to share their experience with your brand. Use this feedback to improve your product or service and notify them of the changes you’ve made to enhance their experience with your brand.

Customer service integrations that work with AWeber also let you track specific customer issues and address any complaint is essential to save a sale or keep a customer.

Pro tip: Easily get customer feedback and identify customer issues with Freshdesk.

8. Send review requests on new survey responses 

Social proof matters. 9 out of 10 consumers read reviews before making a purchase, and positive reviews can shine a spotlight on your brand and help your business grow.

Collecting reviews is easier than you might think with integrations that can automate the review process.

Whenever a customer rates you highly on a survey, you can send them an email through AWeber that asks them to review your product or service publically. 

Pro tip: Send review requests through automation with Typeform submission or SurveyMonkey.

Integrate with the apps you use everyday

No matter how hard-working, organized, or driven you are, every small business owner could take advantage of gaining more time in their week.

By implementing some of the automation tools and integrations, you can simplify repetitive tasks and prioritize projects to take your business to the next level. 

Are you looking for more ways to put your business on auto-pilot? Here are some more automations you can create when you integrate your services with AWeber and Automate.io.

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