4 Secret Data-Driven Content Strategies that Works Every Time

4 Secret Data-Driven Content Strategies that Works Every Time

4 Secret Data-Driven Content Strategies that Works Every Time

Almost anyone can create a blog that gets a decent amount of traffic and reader engagement by fluke. It happens all the time. Every now and then a newbie YouTuber hits the jackpot and ends up creating a viral video without any SEO strategy whatsoever. The same thing can happen with blogs. However, considering the amount of content being uploaded every single day, that’s like winning the lottery. To able to achieve success time and time again you need a list of proven strategies that work.

This leads to one question. How do you know what works and what doesn’t? An entire industry of SEO service has spawned into existence trying to answer that very question. It’s called data-driven content marketing and it’s definitely here to stay. There are tons of tools out there that can monitor the performance of blog posts and other online content. This means there is a lot of data available waiting to be analyzed. Content marketing experts take time and analyze this data to find out which content strategies are working for which industries. They also look at different factors that encourage traffic flow and interaction. In this post, we reveal 4 data-driven content strategies that help to boost ranking.

Blogging More Frequently Generates More Traction

There is no denying the fact that blogging is a great way to direct traffic into your website. While there are other reasons for a blog to be unsuccessful, most blogs fail because of the low frequency of new posts being published. Here’s where the data kicks in. A 2017 study by HubSpot revealed that sites that posted 16 times or more in a single month got triple the traffic of those site that published blogs twice every month.

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Create Visually Appealing Content to Increase Reader Engagement

As much as 65% of all audiences online learn better when a post has great visual content. Contents with infographics tend to get shared on social media. The reason for that is simple. People learn faster and quicker if the information is presented with visuals as opposed to large chunks of texts.

Spend Time Tweaking and Testing the Headline

A great headline can encourage readers to click and it thus improves the click-through rate. However, writing an interesting headline that captures a reader’s imagination is easier said than done. People have tried including buzzwords, numbers, and made tall claims to create click-worthy headlines. There are several online tools out there that can help you test your headline and find out if it is appealing enough. While you want a headline that provokes interest, the last thing you want to do is lie. If the headline doesn’t match the main content, people are going to leave just as quickly and it’s going to negatively affect the bounce rate and your site’s overall ranking.

Write Longer In-Depth Posts to Improve Ranking

If posting more frequently wasn’t enough, it turns out Google also wants you to write more. Yes, Google takes the length of the post into consideration among many other things. As it turns out, it favors posts that are 2000 words or longer. Now, writing a 2000-word post is no small task and if you don’t plan your content strategy you can sound a bit repetitive. The best way to tackle that is by writing an in-depth post. Talk about small technicalities and details on a particular subject or add a real-life story to keep the post interesting.  

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