AI and Android App Development Make Enterprise Mobile App Smarter in 2019

AI and Android App Development Make Enterprise Mobile App Smarter in 2019

Emerging technologies like AR, VR, IoT, and AI have paved the way for building the next-gen mobility solutions. As these technologies are getting mainstreamed in enterprises globally, mobile app development companies tend to integrate their features in the business app solutions. Out of these technologies, AI has found its place in mobile app development. Let’s talk on its benefits on Android application development services.

What is the role of Artificial Intelligence Technology in developing customized mobile apps?

Statista has predicted that the global market for AI is expected to cross 17 billion USD by the end of the year 2020. It shows the exponential growth in the market share of AI technology since 2016. Today, AI, together with Machine Learning (ML), is useful for image recognition, object identification, and other revenue-generating proportions. The enterprise mobile app solutions can integrate these features for making the app more ‘intelligent’.

Importance of AI in Android Application Development Services

The search engine behemoth Google has transformed its strategy from ‘Mobile First’ into ‘AI First’, and released Google AI tools. Android app developers can utilize these tools to make high-end mobile applications for corporate clients. Here we go through a few major AI factors that can take the Android app development process to the next level. Let’s start with the most obvious feature.

It is a technology that can be used in a variety of apps as a safety measure. As the name suggests, face detection is about identifying the user’s face in digital images. The real-time face detection is necessary for the surveillance purpose or monitoring the movement of objects or persons. Both Android and iOS devices use this technology in the camera for identifying the face in different frames. You can hire Android app developers to make the most from this feature.

One of the most popular social networking channels, Facebook has used this feature in its algorithm to detect the user’s faces in their pictures.

Android application development company can utilize this feature for addressing various objectives. Developers can use an Image Labeler app to give an interactive label the image. It is also easy to classify an image, give a label to rectangular ROIs (Region of Interest) and pixel semantic segmentation with this technology.

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Image labeling can make the experience more interactive and the users can feel more attached to the image and objects.

Landmark detection is a unique feature that is associated with finding the particular points in the 2D image. These points are defined by the experts in a particular research-based domain. Usually, the landmark detection is an initial part of a major and complex research procedure. Let’s take an example of a Facial Landmark Detection. It is a part of an enhanced security process for making transaction or payment method safer for the users.

This feature consists of two processes- One, text detection from media files like images and video formats and two, recognizing the detected text. Here, AI technology breaks the text into various segments to recognize the text. It is a futuristic feature of AI technology with a lot of potential for modern business.

When you hire Android app developers, they can use this feature as either a standalone application or integrate it with the mobile app as an additional feature. Right now, many word-based Android gaming apps use this feature to provide gamers with various tasks related to word choice.

It is one of the most revolutionary concepts for an enterprise mobile app. Chatbots can readily communicate with the real audience, gather the data, and offer improved customers services to the users on the move. A Mini browser survey has revealed that eCommerce, healthcare, and insurance industries will be the biggest beneficiaries of the chatbot.

Chatbots eliminate the need to hire dedicated customer care executives on a 24/7 basis and give your customers an experience of humanlike interaction. Chatbot development or integration will become a major part of Android application development services in the near future.

Personalized experience can help you gain a loyal customer base. AI offers predictive analytics based on the user’s choice and enables the system to show the recommendations in a personalized way. The personalization can improve the customer’s experience and more customers remain connected with your business through an Android app.

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In coming days, we can certainly expect that the app personalization will help businesses excel in the growing competition. Facebook, Netflix, and many other companies have already started leveraging the benefits of personalization.

We have seen and appreciated the smarter version of GMAIL, right? The new GMAIL variant has won the hearts of people worldwide by combining AI and ML technologies to provide a rich and personalized user experience. One of the user-friendly features of the new GMAIL is Smart Reply. Now, the top Android app development company can integrate this AI-based feature in the Android business app. It can save a lot of time in correspondence or communication.

If you want to upgrade existing Android apps with this feature or want to make an app related to the business support forum or social media networking for business, you can take the help of experienced app developers.

AI, together with ML can make the difference when it comes to developing business apps. Though the integration of this technology can increase the Android app development cost, you can get a higher ROI with enhanced brand reputation through such an app.

In a Nutshell

It is fair to mention that AI is a future of Android app development as enterprises want to integrate this emerging technology to their business system. In the coming years, AI technology is expected to grow at a fast pace and will offer more benefits than mentioned above. This is the reason why the top Android app development company integrate the AI-based features in the enterprise mobile app.

We are one of the leading mobile app development companies in the USA. We provide the best-in-class iOS and Android app solutions to meet the client’s business needs in the best possible way.

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