There’s a new Speed Report coming to Google Search Console

Google announced at Google I/O they are testing a new Speed Report within Google Search Console that is powered off of CrUX data. This new report gives you an aggregated view over your web site field metrics and you are able to drill down into specific issues and even see specific examples of those issues.

The report is not live, but it is in beta right now and thus now available to everyone who uses Google Search Console.

How to sign up for the beta. To sign up for the beta, fill out this form and wait to get an approval email from the Google Search Console team.

What it looks like. Here is a screen shot from Google’s Ilya Grigorik:

As you can see, this report shows you slow, average and fast pages that you can click into and see more details.

Here are more screenshots from the more detailed views:

Why we should care. Speed is not just important for ranking in Google but also important for your website visitors and for your conversion metrics. Having this data within Google Search Console gives SEOs and webmasters a single place to go and see this information without having to go into the PageSpeed tools. In addition, this report gives you historical data on improvements or possible problems as they get worse over time.

About The Author

Barry Schwartz is Search Engine Land’s News Editor and owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on SEM topics.

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