Trump, UK’s Johnson discuss Huawei on G7 sidelines

Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson gestures ahead of a working session on World Economy and Trade on the second day of the G-7 summit in Biarritz, France August 25, 2019.Markus Schreiber/Pool via REUTERS

BIARRITZ, France (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump and Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson discussed Huawei and 5G technology at a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of a G7 summit in France on Sunday, the White House said.

“The President and Prime Minster also addressed global security issues of mutual concern, especially Iran’s threat to freedom of navigation in the Gulf, tensions in Hong Kong, 5G and Huawei, and instability in Libya and the Sahel region,” the White House said in a statement.

Reporting by Jeff Mason; Editing by Richard Lough and Toby Chopra

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