An Area 51 Warning, Trump Takes on California, and More News

An Area 51 aficionado gives a warning, Trump is fighting with California over vehicle emissions, and the FDA is struggling to regulate vaping. Here’s the news you need to know, in two minutes or less.

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Today’s Headlines

Don’t storm Area 51, begs the webmaster of the UFO kingdom

A man who has spent 20 years chronicling his Area 51 adventures on the internet has come out against the viral “Storm Area 51” movement—a social media trend inspiring people to overwhelm Area 51 to find out its secrets. While he, personally, is focused on the mystery of the area, he points out the inherent danger of a potential raid—from overwhelming small cell phone towers, to not having enough bathrooms or food or water—not to mention what happens to you when you break Federal Air Force rules.

The fight over California’s emissions rules just got real

This morning, President Trump tweeted that the US Environmental Protection Agency would revoke California’s ability to set its own fuel-efficiency rules—a power that the state has used for 50 years to strong-arm automakers into building more efficient vehicles. The president says his new plan would make cars “far safer and much less expensive.” But environmental and consumer groups dispute that conclusion, suggesting his plan would increase fuel costs, lower auto sales long-term, and could even lead to an increase in road deaths. California has already promised to fight back, and the issue is likely to get caught up in legal battles for months if not years.

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Fast Fact: Over 40 million

That’s the estimated number of people who use vapes, or e-cigarettes, up from 7 million in 2011. That number is steadily rising, and the FDA has been slow to catch up. The administration didn’t even review e-cigarettes before they appeared in stores, and it didn’t propose any regulations for the products until 2014.

WIRED Recommends: Sonos Move

Audio juggernaut Sonos has finally made a portable Bluetooth speaker, and it’s pretty darn great. Our reviewer gave it a solid 8/10.

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