Vodafone’s ‘win an iPhone’ AR game uses blockchain-backed vouchers

Vodafone has launched a Pokémon Go-style augmented-reality game that uses a virtual token backed by blockchain. 

The Find Unlimited game requires people to search for “vAtoms” in six locations across central London using their smartphone. It offers the chance to win more than a thousand Apple prizes, including one of five new iPhone 11s. 

“VAtoms” are a virtual token created by BlockV and is supported by blockchain, the distributed database tech that is supposed to be tamper-proof and could potentially lower costs.

The game is fundamentally similar to Pokémon Go in terms of using a real-world map, as well as real locations, via a smartphone camera to use as a canvas for AR gaming. 

Anyone can play between noon and 2pm each day, but Vodafone customers will be given a head start at 11am with exclusive clues for locating prizes. 

Vodafone also benefits from collecting consumer data. When users sign up to play, they have to accept a privacy agreement in which Vodafone reserves the right to process their contact information for marketing purposes.

BlockV was featured at Publicis Groupe division NextTechNow’s “TechTinder” event in July, which sought to match start-ups with brands. During its presentation, BlockV described “vAtoms” as a kind of crypto-voucher that could be used by brands to trade with consumers or enable consumers to trade among themselves.

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