Airship Journeys launches to enable better cross-channel marketing

Customer engagement company Airship launched Airship Journeys, a new interface designed for marketers to drive simple, effective cross-channel engagements. Marketing users can use data models alongside Airship’s real-time mobile data, predictive AI and machine learning to launch cross-channel campaign activities. The low-code solution is expected to address the challenges of using drag-and-drop journey builder tools in Airship’s open platform, allowing marketers to reach customers across a number of channels from a single console.

Why we should care

As consumers
continue to adopt more digital channels, their behavior is also evolving to
become more selective. Consumer expectations are increasingly raising the bar
for hyper-personalized messaging.

“Legacy visual builders were created for an email- and desktop-centric world with far fewer channels and little concern for where a customer was or what they were doing,” said Brett Caine, CEO and president, Airship. “They’ve become complex and bloated in failed attempts to adapt to the new era where the customer experience is all about mobile and in-the-moment responsiveness with many more channels and a much greater expectation that interactions are personalized and contextually relevant.

Airship Journeys incorporates the management of digital channels into one view for marketers. Messages can be composed once and deployed across different channels. Airship Journeys also monitors and controls message frequency and uses Predictive AI to segment audiences and re-engage past customers. The solution can increase efficiencies for marketing users by allowing them to streamline their content creation and execution.

More on the news:

  • A November 2019 Airship survey of marketers found that over 40% deemed their efforts to manage multichannel digital communications is unsuccessful.
  • Airship Journeys is in early use by brands including The Allstate Corporation,, GameStop, JCPenny, Kohl’s, NBA International and TGI Fridays.
  • “Airship Journeys allows us to make quick decisions and adapt critical journeys on the fly, from driving feature adoption and app store ratings, to increasing transaction frequency at key moments in the lifecycle, all while taking full advantage of our own predictive models and historical data,” said Sam Kirwan, app marketing specialist, “The massive benefit is that Journeys has freed up our time, allowing us to examine cohorts at different life stages and apply more testing as we revamp our lifecycle marketing holistically — no small feat considering our customers span more than 140 countries.”

About The Author

Jennifer Videtta Cannon serves as Third Door Media’s Senior Editor, covering topics from email marketing and analytics to CRM and project management. With over a decade of organizational digital marketing experience, she has overseen digital marketing operations for NHL franchises and held roles at tech companies including Salesforce, advising enterprise marketers on maximizing their martech capabilities. Jennifer formerly organized the Inbound Marketing Summit and holds a certificate in Digital Marketing Analytics from MIT Sloan School of Management.

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