1 of My Worst Blogging Mistakes and What I Learned from this Massive Boo Boo

12:06 AM.

No way in hell I’d be up at this hour writing a guest post.

Why in the Hades would I waste my time with that? What would I be getting from the ordeal? Traffic? Profits?

What was in it for me?

I suffered through a terrible blogging mistake for years.

Even when I had some success I made this common blogging boo boo, muting my wins, and amplifying my losses.

What was my biggest screw up online?

How did I muck up my blogging career?

I blogged – and lived – predominantly in Survival Mode.

What Is Survival Mode?

Survival Mode is designing your life mainly to cover survival based needs.

This means designing your life predominantly to put a roof over your head and food on your plate. Bonus points for paying bills and boosting your savings, of course.

The main problem with living and blogging in Survival Mode is that every single little blogging – or job/business – activity hinges on the idea that you need to squeeze something out of it, to serve you.

This is a fear-based, horrible mindset to take if you want to be a successful blogger. Success flows to free givers, not stingy bastards. But unfortunately, I was so fearful of losing every and was so programmed with a poverty conscious way of doing things that I rarely gave freely, doing the conditional bit most of the time….and goodness knows I would never be writing my 5th or 6th – or 7th?…I lost track – guest post or blog post of the day after midnight, for the sheer joy of serving folks and helping people, predominantly.

Sure I will link into one of my eBooks at the post end but I feel largely detached from sales or traffic that flows from this post. I am blogging to give. I am writing this mainly for fun, genuinely wanting to help you avoid this wicked mistake which led to horrific heart ache and terrible financial difficulties in my life.

The main mistake was that I blogged to survive, not to thrive. I blogged to barely get by. I blogged to make enough money to eat, and to have a roof over my head.

Blogging from this fearful, primal energy led to struggles, failures and headaches, because you cannot move up in circles, learn blogging properly, practice blogging diligently, create generously and connect with leading bloggers from a heart-centered space when you blog from a fearful, low energy, frightened, desperate, attached space.

My Turning Point

I finally embraced, felt and experienced my deep fears around losing money.

These short but intense sessions were pretty horrific, but they passed. Sessions involved lots of crying, grieving, rage, disgust and grief. As is always the case, my intense fear of losing money was rooted much deeper than money, in unpleasant situations I had experienced as a child, that I clung to, and resisted feeling, for decades.

Feeling these fears and embracing the pain was tough but oh so freeing. When I cleared those deep fears that I associated with money, I began blogging mainly from a space of love, fun and predominant detachment.

This is when magic began to happen during my blogging career.

I moved out of Survival Mode. I moved in Real Living Mode, blogging and living with love, for fun, and doing what I did to serve, to generously help others and to know that the money would flow in, steadily, and over time, I trusted that the money would increase.

It did.

Guys, if you are blogging in Survival Mode, trying to make enough money to eat, and to find shelter, feel the terror and desperation that drives you. Unpleasant experience but goodness will you clear it out and free yourself of these demons, so you can blog from an inspired, loving, fun space and lay the foundation for a successful blogging career.

The eBook

If you want to address and solve common new blogger mistakes buy my eBook:

Blogging for Beginners: 6 Tips to Help You Avoid the Nightmares I Faced

Your Turn

What blogging mistakes have you made and addressed?

What newbie blogger mistakes are you spotting these days?


Moving out of Survival Mode forces you to release the Perfection Curse as well.

You’ll be acting inspired and running with fun ideas versus checking stuff 25 times to make sure everything is perfect.

Watch the video from Bali as I explain.

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