Industry pros share the 10 most crucial tips for landing your dream job

The 2020 Job Seekers Playbook online course bundle is 98% off

TL;DR: As of Feb. 22, you can get pro tips to get through the job search process with the 2020 Job Seekers Playbook guide for $29.99, a 98% savings. 

Job hunting in the digital age poses a serious catch-22: While digital recruitment through LinkedIn and other online job boards makes discovering relevant positions easier than ever, it also means there are more people duking it out for the same roles. 

To land your dream job, you’ll not only have to work harder, but also smarter. What does that mean, exactly? Optimizing your LinkedIn profile to increase your visibility to recruiters, knowing which skills you should put on your CV versus which to remove, and prepping yourself for the hardest questions an interviewer could ask are all part of the equation. 

It’s a tricky process to navigate, made even harder if you’re going at the process alone. This is why award-winning MBA professor Chris Haroun (an ex-Goldman Sachs employee who has raised nearly $1 billion in funding over his career) and recruitment specialist Tom Wzietek have teamed up to create the 2020 Job Seekers Playbook guide, a 10-part online bootcamp that gives job hunters the inside scoop on what recruiters and hiring managers look for in a LinkedIn profile, CV, cover letter, interview, and more. 

Topics Haroun and Wzietek cover include:

Build the Best Résumé + LinkedIn Profile

This course gives you all the building blocks you need (including advanced Linked SEO tips, advice on publishing professional articles on the platform, and insight into the digital recruitment process) so that you can optimize your online presence and make your unique skill sets visible to recruiters and human resource professionals. 

The Job Seekers CV (Résumé)

In an ideal world, every recruiter would put as much time and effort into looking over our CV as we take to craft it. But we can’t fault them for not having the time to devote to every single résumé out there. After all, they have to sift through hundreds if not thousands of applications. To ensure your résumé will catch the eye of head hunters, dive into this course, led by marketing and recruitment specialist Tom Wzietek. After you get one hour of training under your belt, you’ll become a pro at pinpointing weaknesses in your CV and finding areas of improvement.

Interview Better than Anyone

In the span of his career, Haroun has conducted more than 1,000 interviews ranging from MBA candidates to applicants for senior-level positions. So if anyone knows how to impress an interviewer, it’s him. In this course, Haroun delivers over 150 lectures on the often overlooked (but still important) aspects of interviewing, including body language, how to structure answers, and anticipating questions. 

The Complete Job, Interview, Resume, LinkedIn & Networking Guide

It’s estimated that 85% of positions are filled through networking alone. Simply put, don’t underestimate the value of connecting with other professionals in your field. To understand how to best network both digitally and in-person, and turn that conversation into a lucrative dream job, enroll in this Complete Job, Interview, Resume, LinkedIn and Networking guide. It’s chock-full insider knowledge and practical tips for every stage of the job interviewing process. 

Time Management Formula

You only have so many hours in a day to update your LinkedIn profile, write cover letters, do email outreach and apply for open positions. To make the most out of every second, you’ll need to streamline your job hunting efforts and manage your time wisely so that you become immune to distractions. This Time Management Formula course, which gives students insight into advanced time management techniques is a solid place to start your productivity efforts. 

Productivity Boost: The Morning Routine

Turns out, waking up on the proverbial wrong side of the bed can throw a wrench in your productivity for the day. As Tom Wzietek explains in the Productivity Boost course, our energy levels throughout the day are dependent on our first 60 to 90 minutes of being awake in the morning. This course helps you make the most out of this small window of time through the use of proven morning techniques employed by some of today’s most successful professionals. 

Job Interview Formula

Job interviews are a science. And the formula to that success, as professional recruiter Wzietek explains in this one-hour deep dive, is made up of preparation, your first impression, and being able to skillfully answer difficult questions your hiring manager is bound to throw at you. 

The Job Seekers LinkedIn Profile

Why do all the heavy-lifting when it comes to the job search when you can have the recruiters come to you? LinkedIn’s Recruiter tool, a search engine for hiring managers to find the right candidates for their companies, can narrow down potential candidates based on the keywords on their profile, experience, skill, location, and more. And it’s a feature used regularly by hiring managers and head hunters alike. The Job Seekers LinkedIn Profile course, which comes with 10 core lectures on profile optimization, helps candidates’ LinkedIn pages get surfaced on LinkedIn Recruiter. 

The Job Seekers Cover Letter

Your CV is perfectly manicured, yet you’re still getting radio silence after you apply for positions. The issue could be your cover letter. This course, which comes with one hour of video tutorial content, gives job hunters insight into crafting the perfect cover letter that gets recruiters hooked on hiring you. 

50 Career & Self-Development Tips: Welcome to the New You

You’ve got your dream job, go you! Now it’s time to really make the most of it by investing in professional development. Become a better manager, change-maker, colleague, and team player in the workplace with this jam-packed career and self-development course, led by Haroun. Throughout the 62 lectures, Haroun makes students think critically about finding work/life balance, discovering their passion, mentoring others, and reinventing themselves into the best employee possible. 

Mashable readers can digitally enroll in the 2020 Job Seekers Playbook Bundle for $29.99 — a savings of nearly 98%. 

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