LinkedIn Elevate Shutting Down - Here’s the Best Alternative to Managing Your Employee Advocacy - Hootsuite Social Media Management

LinkedIn Elevate Shutting Down – Here’s the Best Alternative to Managing Your Employee Advocacy – Hootsuite Social Media Management

As you may have heard, changes are coming to LinkedIn’s Elevate this year. LinkedIn has announced it is integrating Elevate into Pages, and that by December 2020 Elevate will no longer be available as a standalone app.

So what does that mean?

Depends if you want the “good news” or the “bad news”. The good news is when Elevate integrates into Pages, it will become free. The bad news is, it’s losing some functionality. Which has some looking at other solutions.

If you’ve been using Elevate, you realize what a pivotal role employee advocacy now plays in marketing.

As our blog from 2019 reported, employees of a company tend to have 10 times more followers than the company itself. And while only about 2% of employees reshare their company’s social posts, they are responsible for 20% of overall engagement.

And get this – more people trust a regular employee (53%) than a CEO (47%). Even more people trust a company technical expert (65%). Consequently, many marketers and organizations are actively looking for a new solution to manage employee advocacy once Elevate shuts down.

Here’s where Hootsuite can help. Hootsuite has been a longstanding, trusted partner of LinkedIn’s for more than 10 years. Working alongside LinkedIn, our employee advocacy solution is a great fit to support Elevate customers that are exploring other options. Hootsuite Amplify makes it extremely easy for employees to safely share pre-approved content to become brand advocates, or personalize content for thought leadership pieces. Not only that, it caters to all digital skill levels.

There are so many reasons for companies to support employee advocacy. First, it helps the bottom line: 57% of socially engaged organizations are likely to increase sales and leads. It helps with recruiting: 58% of socially engaged organizations are more likely to attract top talent. But it’s not just the company that benefits. Done right, employees reap the benefits of advocacy as well, by enhancing their credibility and positioning themselves as industry experts.

Hootsuite Amplify is a robust, comprehensive tool that can:

  • Increase social reach
    Give employees a simple, mobile solution to amplify marketing campaigns and company announcements as well as support corporate responsibility across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram
  • Engage employees
    Help employees build their professional brands and stay connected to the stories and news resonating across different departments, divisions and regions
  • Help Executives become Influencers
    Build your executive’s personal brands on social media and position as thought leaders in your space—with an easy-to-use platform designed for all digital skill levels, executives can manage themselves, or a team can manage on their behalf
  • Connect your organization
    Curate a central feed that reinforces your culture, highlights thought leadership, and rewards your most passionate employee advocates
  • Focus on Compliance-first
    Enable your company to be social, while staying fully compliant in your regulated industry. Hootsuite Amplify integrates with Proofpoint, a leading social compliance tool. Validate your employees into the program, and custom create compliance triggers and workflows with Hootsuite’s help.
  • Measure impact
    Monitor the top stories and content shared by your organization and track the ROI of your advocacy program

Incredibly easy to use and available on desk-top or mobile, Amplify enables a company to boost employee engagement, by creating pre-approved content for your entire organization to share. That means messaging is accurate, clear and most important of all – on brand. Amplify also fulfills all the compliance requirements for companies operating in regulated industries (Financial Services, Government, Healthcare) and Higher Education.

It’s a given that employees amplifying your content across their social channels generates more brand awareness. It also leads to more web visits and inbound leads. But most of all, it builds consumer trust, as employees share your brand’s more “human” side. Really, no matter your industry, you can’t underestimate the power of employee amplification in today’s marketing landscape.

Curious to learn more about Hootsuite Amplify? We’re here to help!

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