Example of an effective subject line

8 Email Optimization Strategies Used by Well-Known Businesses

With so many digital channels available to marketers today, businesses have a variety of platforms through which they can reach prospects. Search engine marketing and social media networks are valuable tools, but email marketing remains the most effective way to generate leads and revenue.

In fact, more than 70% of consumers prefer email communication as their source for updates from the businesses they follow.

It’s crucial to re-evaluate your marketing approach to increase the effectiveness of your email campaign, and optimization can improve engagement, solidify brand loyalty, and boost ROI. Looking to develop strategies to optimize your email campaigns but aren’t sure where to start? Campaign Monitor can help.

Email optimization and why it should be utilized

Email marketing is a highly effective and cost-efficient way to increase revenue. Last year, 293.6 billion emails were sent and received each day. And it offers a high ROI, currently bringing $38 in ROI for every $1 spent. Its purpose is to boost sales, strengthen brand recognition, and build customer loyalty. Email marketing only works, however, if measures are taken to ensure the messages are reaching the right people at the right time.

An email that isn’t reaching the appropriate audience or doesn’t yield viewer engagement isn’t going to convert to revenue, so it’s important to optimize. Email optimization refers to improvements a company makes to its email campaigns to ensure their messages are working. The goal of an email campaign is to build solid relationships with prospects while simultaneously increasing conversion rates. Optimization can increase the chances of higher click-through rates, which ultimately equates to profit.

8 email optimization strategies and companies who use them

The success of email marketing depends on a particular series of events taking place. Someone must see your email and be enticed to open it. Then they must click through its links, land on your website, and ultimately complete a call to action. You’ll have a higher chance of this happening if you employ these eight email optimization strategies used by businesses.

1. Create eye-catching subject lines.

Your subject line is the first thing people see before accessing your email’s content. It needs to catch readers’ attentions and compel them to open the email for more information. This first step is key to setting your campaign up for success.

Optimized subject lines are relevant to your prospects’ needs. Use a subject line that delivers relief from readers’ concerns. Tailor subject lines with your recipient’s company name and show that you have solutions for their specific issues. Incorporate actionable language to encourage readers to open the email.

Craft and fabric retailer Jo-Ann Stores uses subject lines effectively in their email marketing. They create a sense of urgency with “Today Only” and use enticing wording to make readers wonder what the “Big Savings” could be.

Source: Jo-Ann Stores

2. Evaluate the sender name.

Pay attention to the name from which your emails are being sent. Like a subject line, a “From” name can influence whether a reader opens your email. Emails that appear to be coming from an untrustworthy source won’t be read.

If the sender is an instantly recognizable person, then it makes sense for their name to be in an email’s “From” field. Otherwise, it might be more effective to create exclusive campaign names, like the Home Depot Garden Club. They’re using their company name, but specify a subculture within their brand. This gives recipients a feeling of exclusivity.

Whether you choose to send emails from an individual or a company, remain consistent. This helps to earn your readers’ trust, and it builds recognition for future emails.

Consistent use of effective sender name

Source: The Home Depot

3. Develop personalized messaging.

One of the benefits of email marketing is that it enables you to customize content. Emails that include a customer’s first name in the subject line have a higher click-through rate than those that don’t. The more emails are opened, the more information you can learn about your audience. This allows you to discover their needs and helps to develop strong relationships.

Emails can also be personalized with demographic and behavioral information about your audience. Include details like their corporate title or products they’ve viewed on your site. LinkedIn uses this strategy in their emails. Messages recap recent user activity and remind readers about services they may be interested in, all while building customer loyalty.

Email personalized with customer name and behavior

Source: Really Good Emails

4. Write compelling content.

Once you’ve convinced someone to open your email, the next critical piece of your campaign is content. Information should be concise, clear, and relevant. Explain what you have to offer and why your audience should be interested. Avoid overwhelming readers with exhaustive copy. Break up lengthy text with short paragraphs, bullet points, and appealing graphics. Seventy-five percent of content marketers experience higher ROI when visuals appear in their content.

Barnes & Noble does a great job of this with their campaigns. They present a large amount of valuable information in manageable, bite-sized pieces. Bullet points make content clear and easy to read. Color blocks help separate information topics and graphic icons add visual interest.

Example of clear content that’s easy to digest

Source: Really Good Emails

5. Provide clear CTAs.

The ultimate goal of your email marketing campaign is to direct readers to your website and shift them from a click to a conversion. The way to do this is through your CTA. First, determine what you want to achieve with your readers. Then, create a prominent and colorful CTA button, banner, or link. Make them eye catching to draw attention. Helzberg Diamonds reported a 26% increase in clicks by incorporating an arrow icon in their CTA buttons.

Post a CTA on the top half of your message, where it’s sure to be seen. Then, post more CTA options throughout your email that all lead to the same site. This gives readers more opportunities to find their way to your landing page. Consider using action words like “Click here” to direct your readers and create a sense of urgency. CTAs are the gateway to conversions. Consider them carefully.

Example of a clear CTA

Source: Helzberg Diamonds

6. Offer a variety of shareable links.

Email is one of the simplest communications to share with others. With the click of a button, your current customers can do your promoting for you. Encourage your audience to share your emails with their contacts. This way, you’re broadening your reach and increasing your opportunity to generate new leads.

Make it easy for readers to share your information through a range of channels. The obvious choice is an email forward link, since more than half the world’s population uses email to communicate. You can also think outside the box by providing links to social media networks in all of your messages. Nearly 3 billion people are using social media across the world. These are great ways to expand your readership, and, even better, someone else is doing the legwork for you.

GasBuddy sends emails that provide several ways for readers to share their information. They feature an email forward link to refer friends. Across the bottom, readers find a series of linked social media icons for more ways to spread the word.

An effective use of shareable links

Source: Really Good Emails

7. Design for mobile applications.

Email access is no longer limited to stationary locations. Mobile platforms are becoming more prevalent and a way for people to remain connected while on the go, so an important aspect of email optimization is ensuring your campaign is mobile friendly.

Domino’s Pizza excels at mobile optimization. They realize many people who purchase pizza are placing their orders while they’re out and about. Domino’s sends 31 emails each month, and they’re all mobile friendly.

Emails need to be adaptable to several applications. Be sure your content is formatted correctly and that all information is accessible, regardless of where it’s being accessed. Don’t miss out on a lead conversion opportunity simply because your message wasn’t formatted for an assortment of devices.

 Example of a mobile-optimized email

Source: Really Good Emails

8. Provide an unsubscribe link.

Part of building credibility is not only providing valuable information to readers who are seeking it, but also offering your audience an opportunity to decline this information if it isn’t useful. The purpose of email marketing is to reach a targeted audience that values your messages. Continuing to communicate with people who aren’t interested in your information is only going to foster bad relationships and negative reviews.

Provide readers with an easy-to-find unsubscribe link. This can strengthen your quality lead email list and give you accurate open and click-through data. Write clever content for your unsubscribe page like BetaList: They use a lighthearted tone to keep things friendly and offer an opportunity for readers to change their minds.

Example of a clever unsubscribe page

Source: Really Good Emails

Wrap up

Email marketing remains a preferred channel for today’s marketers. It can be even more successful when the following email optimization strategies are utilized:

  • Create eye-catching subject lines
  • Evaluate sender name
  • Develop personalized messaging
  • Write compelling content
  • Provide clear CTAs
  • Offer a variety of shareable links
  • Design for mobile applications
  • Provide an unsubscribe link

Email optimization can improve engagement, solidify brand loyalty, and boost ROI. Generate leads and revenue with an email campaign that’s been created with an optimized strategy in mind.

We can help develop effective optimization strategies to benefit your email marketing campaign. For more information, contact our sales team today.

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