How to Make Blogs from Boring Niches Interesting

How to Make Blogs from Boring Niches Interesting

Boring niches are a big pain-in-the-neck for writers. Not only are they tiring to write about, but they also lead to lower traffic.

Imagine writing a blog about metal work and flooring. Sure, there are things to write about, but it would mostly be technical stuff.

HOWEVER, it doesn’t have to be the case!

There’s a way around that, and it’s all about finding a way to make your content interesting for your target readers. When you do, you’ll be surprised that the niche you’re writing for isn’t that boring!

Read on to know how to make your “boring” niche blog appealing!

Better Content

Creating content is all about understanding your target audience’s wants regardless of your niche. Here are the best ways to spruce up your content and make a niche interesting:

1. Write in First Person

Individuals do the writing, not the company. This is where most blogs got it wrong. Write in the first-person to connect efficiently with the customers. It isn’t natural to say “we” when you’re the only one writing. Say “I” instead — common sense, I should say!

An excellent example of this is Fiskarettes, a company that makes scissors, paper cutting tools, and gardening equipment. They didn’t settle for just that as they mingled with their community of customers.


This enabled them to have taglines that commonly use the word “you” to have a more personalized connection with their customers. Though this sounds simple, using the right choice of words, in this case, pronouns, has a significant effect on your business’ salability.

Give a personalized approach to your clients or readers to improve your connection with them. Also, encourage your customers to be active in the community just like what Fiskarettes did. It’s all about socializing with them, and that’s what makes their boring niche interesting.

2. Tell a story

Storytelling is a powerful tool that can make your boring niche interesting. Think of it as a dynamic strategy that motivates the reader to finish the entire article. Stories like a failed launch, a five-year-slump, or a rags-to-riches story are fascinating to read. Sprinkle these stories on your blog, and you’ll surely get more traffic.

Salesforce is a good example of a business that uses the power of storytelling to capture people’s attention. It’s a blog that gives social media tutorials. However, it does more than that as it does it by diversifying their content.


They create how-to guides, do expert interviews, and come up with case studies which create “fluidity” in their content. Readers are then curious and motivated enough to continue reading up to their heart’s content.

Telling a story makes your content easy-to-read. Be straightforward and describe a product or issue in the simplest way possible. Strip away all the technicalities and explain it as it is. What it is, how it works, and the benefits you can get are the essential parts of an article. Also, inject a bit of fun to lighten up the mood.

3. Provide statistics

Providing statistics makes something look big. Describing how a hydroelectric power plant works won’t get you lots of readers. But if you said that this hydroelectric power plant could power 5 million homes, then that would surely capture people’s attention. Look for huge points and make a big deal out of it.

Kogan, an online electronics store draws inspiration from this strategy. They have a gimmick where they tax a client if it’s found out that they’re using Internet Explorer.


Though they don’t use numbers, it’s evident that many people can attest to the “inefficiency” of the browser.

Technical blogs are full of “unrelatable” information for common people. You can solve this problem by using stats. Find a statistic of a certain issue and use it as a title. “How One Article Got Viewed 1M Times Through Facebook” will capture everyone’s attention even if the content features a lot of technical information. Graphs, inside information, and tables are also sure-fire ways to make your readers interested.

4. Get a personality

Blogs that talk about tech, finance, and B2Bs are the less attractive of niches. The reason is that bloggers think that these areas are exclusively for their readers — tech enthusiasts, analysts, and entrepreneurs. It then becomes an “undecipherable” article that only a few people can understand. Little do they know that there are also other people who want to learn from it!

Ukelele Hunt is a site that’s all about ukeleles. And we all know that not everyone is into ukes! So what they did was that they developed their personality.

ukelele hunt

They have their distinct theme and vibe that you’ll only find in them. They also have their blog, tutorials, chord guides, reviews, and even eBooks — all with the Ukelele Hunt brand.

Talk in a personal voice, but don’t sacrifice professionalism. You can be professional, but don’t be too formal, rigid, or stiff. Talk like how a person talks to another person. Share real-life examples if needed, and always write with attitude and emotions. This gives your blog post a more personal touch to it.

Also, make your blog interactive. It makes your blog appealing. Engage with your readers and make them participate in your blog. You can do this by having viewing options where your readers can change how they want to read your article. It could be a slider, read more button, or call-to-action popups.


Content is the lifeblood of blogs, but it doesn’t mean that it’s the only important thing. Web design also plays a huge role in a blog’s attractiveness. Make sure that your blog isn’t overly stuffed with unnecessary buttons and features. Keep it simple but sleek, compact but jam-packed with useful features. The header, content area, footer, and sidebar are all you need. Also be up-to-date with the latest web design trends.

Take for example Elite Legal Marketing, a digital marketing firm that specializes in web design, SEO, and content production. Their site features all these characteristics.

elite legal marketing

This makes the blog user-friendly, attractive, and more likely to get more leads. Their site entices people to avail their services even if the niche they’re specializing in isn’t that popular. It’s not about the niche; it’s about how you use that niche to your advantage!

Leave a mark on social media

You’d be missing out a huge market if you won’t use social media. There are 2.5 billion active social media users, and each of them can be your follower. Using social media makes your blog reachable, knowing that almost everyone is into it. Promote your content on targeted channels where your audience is found. Doing so makes follower interaction and acquisition easier.

Take for example Fractl, a content marketing agency that uses social media to rake in higher traffic. They have this strategy called “tangential” marketing where they write about things that aren’t offered by the business. Surprisingly, they get lots of social shares, proving that the content is interesting. This enables them to expand and make their niche more attractive.

Your niche might not be that popular, but you can use that to your advantage with the help of social media. You have fewer competitors when promoting a blog who’s niche isn’t that entertaining. Let’s say you have a blog that sells different kinds of cactus. You then create social media accounts on different networks. Getting followers and clients is a piece-of-cake. It’s easier for you to penetrate the market because there are not many cactus businesses online.


Everything is possible if you know how. Boring niches might be “irredeemable,” but with the help of this article, you can turn it into something more interesting. Just remember to write with attitude, be professional, and be creative as possible. A good example would be to adapt to the niche market and audience. Know what they like and give it to them. When you do, then your blog will surely gain traffic (lots of it).

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