Google tests location tab for hotel knowledge panels

Google is testing a new location tab and section within the hotel knowledge panels. The location tab contains information that tells you what is around the hotel, including sections such as highlights, top sights and a getting-around section. Sergey Alakov captured this test and provided the screen shots below.

One of the more important aspects of picking a hotel, at least for vacations, is to know what is near the hotel and what you can do with the family around the hotel. This tab provides just that and more, including what Google calls a “location score.” The location score grades the hotel’s location based on its proximity to the top sights, to public transit and to airports.

Here are screen shots from Sergey showing what is found in this location tab:

This is not rolled out yet, as far as I can tell, but it may be something Google is testing and will be rolling out at some point in the future. Google is always testing user interfaces and features.

About The Author

Barry Schwartz is Search Engine Land’s News Editor and owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on SEM topics.

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