5 technical SEO blunders that can crush your website ranking

Wondering why your website ranking is plummeting even if you are trying hard? With SEO becoming a cornerstone for digital age marketing, it is obvious to panic when you rank lower. It is frustrating to see your rank falling when you’ve done everything to make it work.

You’ve your on-page SEO thing on track with well-optimized images and brilliant Meta descriptions. And your backlinks and social media marketing strategies are spot on. So, what’s tanking your organic traffic?

Chances are you are making those silly technical SEO mistakes that need to be addressed. Here are 5 major SEO mistakes that can lead to ranking and traffic drop of your website.

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Not Implementing SSL on Your Website

Look at your website URL. Does it contain “https”? If yes, your website is secure.  But if it is showing “http,” your site is missing that extra layer of security.

SSL or secure sockets layer is used by the websites to secure traffic between browsers and web servers.  Https is a ranking signal used by Google and by implementing SSL on your website, you will make sure every page of your site is secure.

Purchase an SSL certificate and install the certificate on your server and you’re secure!

Low-Quality Web pages

After the release of Google’s Panda, web pages with low quality are losing in search engine ranking. Every single click on a chrome browser can be sensed by Google, and this makes a deciding factor to determine how well a website is performing.

Initially, user experience was all about the dwell time and the usage pattern. But now, it is not just high-quality imagery and graphics which enhances the user experience. Great engaging content also matters when it comes to offering a good user experience.

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Disengaging or Stale Content

Duplicate or plagiarized content lead to organic search traffic obliteration, and hence Google has a good reason to penalize those sites with duplicate content.

Unless you want your site to be penalized, make sure to have unique content for each of your page. Ensure that it is engaging enough to grab the visitor’s attention.  No one likes to read the keyword stuffed content that offer no value.

Remember you are writing for your audience, not for Google. While organizing the content, Google arranges it in a way that could provide the best answers possible to the audience.

So, focus on writing quality content that is informative and valuable for readers instead of duplicate, spammy and keyword-stuffed content.

Neglecting the Mobile User Experience (UX)

Google’s search index is mobile first. That means Google’s algorithm will first look at the mobile version of your site while ranking for queries. So, it is essential to optimize the mobile user experience just like the desktop version of your site.

If you want to know whether your site is mobile-friendly or not, check it out with Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test. Figure out whether the smartphone Googlebot is crawling your site or is your website compatible with different devices. If no, now is the time to get it fixed.

Issues with Website Loading Speed

You might have a visually stunning and content-rich website. But it is of no use if your page loading speed is more than 3 seconds.  40% of visitors will bounce and move to your competitors if your site takes more than 3 seconds to load. Longer loading time can hurt your SEO efforts in many ways.

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Page speed is the mobile ranking factor. So a slow loading time can directly impact your ranking. Moreover, visitors are more likely to bounce and click another link on the SERP, and it can be counted against you by Google.

So, if you think that your site is taking longer to load, minimize the number of applications or extensions running in the background. Optimize the images and resize large images so that it will not cost more loading time to you.

Also, there are tools like Google Page Speed Insights that can give you a complete overview of what you need to do to reduce your website loading speed.

Sometimes it is the web hosting or WordPress hosting service that is responsible for the slow loading site. So, make sure to choose the host wisely according to your need.

Final Words

The need for technical SEO improvement is increasing with the advancement of search engine algorithm.  So, it is easy to commit mistakes even for the most experienced webmasters. However, identifying the mistakes and taking corrective action is the way to move ahead.

Don’t waste your effort, time and money in manipulating the Google algorithm to rank higher. Instead, focus on creating high-quality content, avoid making the mistakes and promote the content fair and square. If your website content is truly valuable for the audience, Google will eventually notice and put your content at the top of the list.


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