6 Things to Expect from the Internet of Things in 2017

The Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to change dramatically in 2017, mainly with wearable technology, improved consumer experiences, and digital marketing. Brands need to implement changes to remain competitive in their respective industries. Below are some of the most important changes expected from the IoT in 2017.

Completely Upgraded IoT Systems

Every aspect of a company’s IoT system needs to be integrated and working together. This includes connections, data, devices, and processes. Perhaps one of the most important of the three trends to watch in the IoT is upgraded systems. Companies are expected to integrate more artificial intelligence into data collection processes and to automate some processes.

The new and upgraded systems need to have the right professionals behind the programs coding and writing processes as well. Old codes and practices are too easy to breach. Upgraded systems need to be impenetrable for increased security.

Advanced IoT Wearable Devices

Wearable technology helps provide data to device manufacturers, software developers, app developers, and marketing departments. By 2020, 51-percent of marketers expect the IoT to revolutionize the entire marketing landscape. The use of artificial intelligence, multiple brand personas, and specific data picking processes will help brands analyze consumer behavior, which will help with brand/consumer interaction and help consumers make informed buying decisions.

Wearable devices are expected to get smarter and be able to process more data. This will increase the overall capabilities of wearable devices making them a more practical piece of technology to own.

Changes in IoT Networks

A larger focus will be put on short-range IoT networks rather than wide-area networks. This is due to cell phone and smaller Internet providers, including Wi-Fi Internet service providers, being unable to provide consumers with a suitable combination of tech features for the cost of the service. Short-range networks are expected to dominate over wide-area networks through 2025.

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Wide-range networks tend to provide low bandwidth, meaning that the connections are slower and less reliable. Connection speed and strength are important to businesspersons handling business on the go.

Target Data Retrieval

Data retrieval and analysis are expected to lead to the creation of entirely new and unique algorithms. Brands will determine what specific information they need to receive from consumers and will create a brand-specific algorithm to retrieve that data. Brands relying heavily on marketing should include IoT security advancement in their annual marketing strategy budget.

Real-Time Data Collection

Real-time data collection will become a priority in 2017. Consumers want answers to everything and access to everything right now, not later. This means that companies must be able to obtain and analyze data in real-time to react appropriately. Companies can, however, create the base for advertisements, product releases, and web content ahead of time so that only a few minor adjustments are required to release or schedule publishing of new content/marketing ads. Also, published content should be optimized for search engines so they’re easily discoverable by consumers. 

Increased Security Procedures

Nestled high in the top 10 Internet of Things technologies for 2017 is security procedures, which are significantly important. Brands are expected to create in-house positions for security for brand-specific programs, hardware, and servers rather than hiring a third-party company. Focus will be on creating stronger program designs, test hacking their own systems, and ensuring that consumer information is kept secure.

Final Thoughts

Integrating a complete cloud network system increases brand specific IoT, in regards to increased efficiency and productivity. It is important for businesses to select secure servers, control access to company documents, and develop a system that auto-collects data for quick processing. Artificial intelligence and automation of time-consuming tasks help improve brand function, target marketing, consumer experience, and brand approachability — all of which comes from data and processes from using the Internet of Things.

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