How to Rekindle Your Blogging Fire

I got a mean fire going in Turkey today.

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Evidence; both the featured image and snap below, preserved in real time.

No central heating in this Star Wars cave home, in Cappadocia. Remote, rural village. Shout out to my wife Kelli of Life Made to Order; she is the fire starter deluxe, the pro’s pro, who fires things up daily. I only lit a few. I defer to her.

Nothing feels as good as rekindling a stove fire in 20 degree F temperatures. Warms the body, pleases the soul.

Nothing feels as good as rekindling a blogging fire long snuffed out. Jobs, kids, mental blocks and life in general derail bloggers and douse blogging flames sometimes. But knowing how to rekindle the blogging fire gets you back in the blogging game, pronto.

Follow these tips to rekindle your blogging fire, if you need to fan a flame to get that roaring fire going again.

1: Know Why

If blogging feels lifeless, your blog just died. Nobody fans flames in a wet, ash-filled stove.

You need to blog for fun and freedom to light sparks and fan flames and to get a roaring, wild fire burning in your blogging hearth.

I love blogging. I love helping people blog. I love circling the globe. My blogging fire burns bright, daily. Revisit why you blog. You make room for fun, freeing, fulfilling activities, fanning the flames with your fun and freedom-seeking soul.

2: Force Never Cuts It

I remember working a 9-5 job. Some I hated; I forced myself to work for a paycheck, then, quit. I vividly recall walking outside of one office to never return, sans giving a 2 week or 2 second notice. Manager asked to mail the key/pass. I did. He saw my misery. He understood. Force negates. Force is fear. Forcing yourself to blog leads to failure and quitting. Every single time.

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If you try to light a fire by force, it ain’t getting lit. Revisit #1. Blog your fun. Never force yourself to blog. Ain’t working.

3: Establish a Flexible Plan

I have seen bloggers wildly dive into blogging free of plans, winging it. I have seen the same bloggers burn out and quit, weeks or months later, their blogging fire, dead. Even energized folks flame out sans a simple, basic, workable plan. We all need a simple plan to follow, to create order in our mind, in our life and to keep fanning the blogging fire flame.

Write and publish 2 posts weekly. Read and comment genuinely on 5 to 10 blogs daily. Something basic. Something flexible. Something you may change in a moment, but some plan needs be in place to keep the fire humming along.

4: Invest in an eBook

I call readers to buy my blogging eBook closing every one of my blog posts. See my link to eBook below, via my author box on Blogging Tips. Why? Trusted, simple resources fan your blogging flame if it wanes, threatening to disappear.

Example; you blogged for 3 months, for 3 visitors daily, and quit. You lost your fire. Doused. Buying and reading my eBook sparks an excitement flame; DUH….you struggled because you did dumb stuff! Hope is aflame! Blogging fire rekindled. Turns out, doing stuff a 10 year established pro like me advises in my eBook….works. Who would have thunk it, right? Joking guys. But investing money in premium blogging eBooks sparks the blogging flame again, as you realize struggle and failure only occur because you did not do smart blogging stuff, persistently, as pros do.

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Blogging is fun, freeing, fulfilling and sometimes a little fear-filled. Follow these tips to rekindle the flame amid some deep blogging fears.

Gotta go; I have a fire to tend to.

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