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Are You Letting Go Of The Good To Make Room For The Great?

I wrote 4 guest posts yesterday.

For the past year I have written 2 guest posts daily.

I am doing good with my blog.

But I am aiming for great.

I can simply get by, publish a few posts, help clients, sell some eBooks and audio books and courses and be comfortable with getting by. But that life is boring. Good, but boring. I could have held onto the good as I had for a while but I could never be great if I held onto the good.

The Good

Sometimes I read posts where bloggers are living the good. Life is good. Client work. Good money. Comfortable.

But said bloggers will never be great because they stop networking, guest posting, blog commenting, promoting top bloggers, creating more inspired products, promoting their eBooks aggressively, networking with world renowned bloggers regularly, doing freeing, fun and sometimes terrifyingly uncomfortable things, to be great.

I intend to be great.

I intend to be EVERYWHERE in the blogging niche. And in the travel blogging niche.

Too many bloggers have some success, get comfortable making some money, devote all their time to serving clients and earning money through their products and cease doing the networking and promoting of big dawgs and the guest posting and blog commenting that would allow them to share their gifts with the world on a greater scale.

They are good, and comfortable. But they cop out on being great.

Is there anything wrong with this?

Heck no!

We all take a different journey.

But I have seen many depressed, unhappy bloggers who realize that being *good* is not the answer. They want something more. They want to be great. You want to be great. It feels exciting, thrilling and life-affirming to be great and you can share your gifts with the world, on a larger scale, when you are focused on being great at what you do.

The Featured Image For This Post

Go ahead, look up top; I have been featured on all of those world famous websites like:

  • Virgin
  • Forbes
  • Entrepreneur
  • Fox News
  • Life Hack
  • Neil Patel
  • Pro Blogger
  • Goats On The Road
  • Matthew Woodward
  • The Broke Backpacker
  • The Huffington Post
  • Michael Gerber Dot Com
  • Positively Positive
  • John Chow Dot Com
  • Smart Blogger

By getting featured on all these sites I felt a thrilling sense of accomplishment for a moment but let the feeling go pretty dang fast. I then saw each guest post, interview or feature as a way to spread love to more folks who could see benefit from my message.

Isn’t that why we are all blogging in the first place? To connect with folks who vibe with us? To connect with *more* folks who vibe with us?

Practical Tips

If you fear letting go of the good to make room for the great, don’t worry; this is a natural feeling. I sometimes fear that I should be aggressively promoting my blog consulting business to get work out of the ying yang versus writing 2-5 guest posts daily and commenting on top blogs.

But I know that my emerging greatness rests on spending my time doing what I love doing and sharing that gift with the world.

I choose great.

So I feel the fear, appreciate the good I have manifested in terms of money and exposure, and head onward and upward with my guest posting and blog commenting campaign.

  • surround yourself with great bloggers
  • learn from them
  • feed off of their energy
  • follow your fun
  • dive into deep fears daily
  • comment on top blogs from your niche
  • promote top bloggers from your niche
  • guest post on top blogs from your niche
  • write 1000 words daily in a Word document just for practice

Are you happy with the good, but feel like you want to be great?

Please share your comments below.


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