
How AI Is Shaping the Future of Content Marketing and Personalization

The practice of collecting basic demographic information from customers to create a successful business marketing strategy is one of the past. In recent times, there has been a major shift in the way that businesses interact with their customers. The digital space has spread so far and wide that it has had a lasting influence

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How to Create a Persona-Driven Content Strategy for Online Education

Developing relevant, timely and evergreen content is a huge task. Higher education is an already competitive market, and online education is hard to advertise without a visible campus. Less visibility makes it difficult for prospects and students to feel part of a wider cohort and harder still for institutions to foster a sense of community.

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Content Marketing and Artificial Intelligence: A Perfect Marriage?

For years, scientists and engineers have dreamed of creating computers with human-like sensory perception and decision-making capabilities. Though it remains a distant dream, various promising developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have already started to alter human lives in many ways. Of course, this technology, like many others, has fallen prey to both

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How Email Can Make Up For Declining Organic Facebook Reach

If you’re like 55% of marketers, you have seen a significant decrease in your Facebook page’s engagement since they changed the algorithm to encourage “more meaningful social interactions with family and friends.” While social media platforms are, of course, an important way to connect with your audience, it’s increasingly become clear that doing so means

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Evolving MarTech 2.0: The Adaptive Marketing Platform

MarTech 1.0 Put yourself in their shoes, if you can. What would you do if you paid a website a visit and got back a generic email for your troubles? Something bland and impersonal that seemed to know nothing about you? Wouldn’t you delete it without a second thought and question whether that brand deserved

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How To Connect Website Personalization To Your Email Strategy

At AB Tasty, we’re big believers in the benefits of personalization for marketers – more specifically, of website personalization. Borrowing from ConversionXL, website personalization can be defined as “… the real-time individualization of a site to suit each visitor’s unique needs and guide them through a custom conversion funnel”. For an e-commerce site, this might

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How Chatbots Will Transform B2B Marketing in 2018

This transcript has been edited for length. To get the full measure, listen to the podcast. Chatbots for B2B Marketers NATHAN: One of your recommended hacks for beating the recent Facebook news feed change is with messaging using the Facebook Messenger app. How does a B2B marketer do that? LARRY: Basically what it is, Nathan,

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11 Digital Marketing Trends You Can No Longer Ignore in 2018

As 2018 progresses, the digital marketing landscape that encompasses SEO, social media, PPC, content marketing and more is witnessing a dramatic shift – which businesses can no longer ignore. There may have been a time when you could’ve dismissed artificial intelligence or visual search as gimmicks from the latest blockbuster science fiction film, but that time

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Tailored Digital Experiences with Marketing Automation

Having this intelligence ensures that companies deliver a unified brand experience across all channels: both online and offline. As more and more data is collected on a buyer over time, companies can begin to tailor what that individual sees when they come to the website: a welcome note upon arrival to the homepage, a thank

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