Work-Life Balance

7 tips to promote work-life balance in your office

While your value proposition is a key differentiator for your business, your wellbeing strategy is your key differentiator in your employee value proposition (EVP). There’s a war on talent and finding good, quality people is getting tighter. Individuals are not just looking for the highest salary or the biggest bonus on offer; they’re looking for

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What is ‘breadcrumbing’ and how can you navigate it at work?

Find out what it means to experience ‘breadcrumbing’ at work, and how to deal with the impacts it could have on your career. The dreaded concept of ‘ghosting’ is no longer limited to modern dating. Now, a similar trend is cropping up in workplaces around the world, seeing employees being strung along by their managers.

What is ‘breadcrumbing’ and how can you navigate it at work? Read More »

Is flexibility and remote working really all it’s cracked up to be?

New research from Airtasker weighs up the pros and cons of remote working, after surveying more than 1,000 employees in the US. Productivity platform Airtasker recently published findings on its research into the benefits of remote working. It surveyed 1,004 full-time employees across the US, half of which complete their work outside of an office setting.

Is flexibility and remote working really all it’s cracked up to be? Read More »

A good company culture is contagious, but could automation change that?

HubSpot’s Katie Burke spoke to about how the future of work could impact on a company’s culture, for better or worse. How do you know if your company culture is working, especially as the future of work looms closer every day? talked to HubSpot’s chief people officer, Katie Burke, about what we can

A good company culture is contagious, but could automation change that? Read More »

Work-Life Balance Is Impossible—Here’s What to Strive for Instead

As a businesswoman, entrepreneur, and mom, I’m here to tell you something that may come as a shock: I can’t find a work-life balance—because it doesn’t exist. If you’re like other busy moms, in moments of desperation you may have googled “work-family balance,” “how to prioritize,” or “advice for working women wanting it all.” There

Work-Life Balance Is Impossible—Here’s What to Strive for Instead Read More »

Home-Business Owners: Here’s How to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance

If you operate a business out of your home, you may find it a challenge to block off time for yourself. You are constantly thinking about propelling your business forward, and there are no hours that are off limits. But maintaining this type of lifestyle for long can cause you harm and impact your personal

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7 Tips That Will Keep Your Small Business From Taking Over Your Personal Life

For many entrepreneurs, running a small business is exhilarating and liberating. You not only have control over daily operations, but you can decide who you want to work with, and you can even choose to turn your passion into your business. Small business ownership also gives many people a deep sense of pride in building something

7 Tips That Will Keep Your Small Business From Taking Over Your Personal Life Read More »

12 Simple Habits That Will Make Your Professional Life and Personal Life Better

I’d be the first to admit that as a young entrepreneur, I was in it for myself. Credit? Yep, I’ll take some. Money? I could always use more of that. Attention? Sure, put the camera on me. It’s sad and strange to think about now. Over time, I’ve been fortunate enough to surround myself with

12 Simple Habits That Will Make Your Professional Life and Personal Life Better Read More »

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