Guest Blogging

Here’s How Guest Blogging Can Take You Places

As a guest blogger or other type of blogging enthusiast, you are probably aware of the ways in which you can build authority in your niche by creating high-quality posts. Look around you and you’ll find innumerable brands that have profited and made it big in the industry because of their blogs. Here, we help you take a close look at how you can grab these opportunities to create your very own high-authority dream space on the Internet.

Take Stock of Your Goals for Guest Blogging

Before moving further, it is important to determine the goals that you nurture for creating guest blogs. Having prior knowledge of this goal will take you forward in the right direction and give a fair idea of the type of guest blogs that you should develop or post to. The article “Buy Guest Posts On Real Blogs With 1000+ Organic Monthly Traffic” from SEOJet explains that you should get guest post links on blogs that are high quality and niche relevant. In general, there are three main goals that should influence your presence in the guest blogging industry. These are:

  • Strive to position yourself as a well-known name and authoritative source of information on whatever you write
  • Aim to get as much traffic or visibility for your brand or website
  • Generate high-quality backlinks that bring more conversions and prospective customers to your website.

If you choose to post what you are good at on the right kind of blogs and authority sites, you can look forward to getting these three goals under wraps very soon. It’s recommended that you keep searching for blogging portals that have already made a mark for themselves and have a large-sized and well-engaged audience. It’s best to pinpoint blogs that have robust root domain authority to give your work the mileage you seek. As per experts in SEO and link building, it is also essential to have in-depth knowledge about the type of audience that will benefit by reading your posts and target them accordingly.

Ways of Finding the Most Lucrative guest Blogging Avenues

Finding the right guest blog opportunities is not a difficult task if you know what to search for and where. Start looking for lucrative guest blogging sites in your own industry or niche and focus your content on it. Remember, your target audience is interested in information pertaining to your industry; therefore, look for trending topics to write on and deliver content on a consistent basis to keep your prospects engaged. Keep track of how your blogs are engaging readers and their reading preferences. For this, you may want to check the shares, likes, and comments that being posted on your blogs and respond accordingly.

As the blog owners you’re dealing with would be active on social media channels, they will surely want to bring your work into the limelight to get more visibility. For instance, if you’re in the business of selling seeds or gardening products, then your engagements should be with sites that already have gardeners as their subscribers. In other words, the blogs and other authority content published on the gardening site should already have an engaged audience that’s waiting to lap up the next content published by the site owner – which could be yours.

Have you Thought of Google Searches?

Google is one of the most trusted go-to places to find the best guest blogging opportunities. In order to escalate your search, try using appropriate keywords to help find the blogging sites that’ll accept your posts. Phrases like “Post your guest blog” or “Submit a post” are some of the most used keywords for this purpose. The other SEO keywords that can take you to sites accepting posts in your niche are (say) “Gardening guest post guidelines”, “Gardening guest post submission”, and so forth. These and other relevant searches will make it possible for you to find the guest post guidelines pages of your choice, guest posts by writers belonging to your industry, and a plethora of other helpful resources.

Authoritative Guest Bloggers

In case you are following the blogs written by other prolific and authoritative writers in your niche, you’ll get an idea about where to post your guest blogs to get the best returns. For instance, in the niche dominated by online marketers, the names of Marcus Sheridan, Danny Iny, Leo Widrich, Gregory Ciotti, Neil Patel, and several others would make readers sit up and take notice of every guest blog posted by them. Your intent should be targeted at reaching the same levels of authority for your blogs to be successful. It’s a good idea to keep a check for the keyword phrase “guest posts by” to know the links where your work has been published. This will help in enabling further shares and getting access to a more engaging audience. It would be a big plus to have direct links with ace guest bloggers in your industry; they can introduce you and your work to the site owners they have access to in order to give your guest blogging career a boost.

Competitor Backlinks are Important too

Has your online marketing agency, or you yourself, ever triggered off a backlink analysis of rival websites? If yes, there are strong chances that you have achieved more material to give your SEO campaign a constructive boost. There are also chances that you’ve come across other companies in your industry or line of business with backlinks from guest posts published by them. Smart backlink catcher tools of the likes of Open Site Explorer will help you know whether your rivals have been posting on the sites under your scanner. You can figure out what works, or fails to create an impact on readers and plan your guest posts on similar lines to be successful.

Way Forward with Guest Blogging

Last but not least, you can seek help for guest blogging opportunities in social media searches. There’s a lot of good work floating around on social networks and you can draw ideas about blogging sites and topics from them. While some guest blogging opportunities promise to bring in the best returns, there’ll be many others that would give you enhanced visibility and more recognition. There’s absolutely no harm in trying them all to chalk your next course of action. Happy guest blogging.

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