Hotels can now add services, amenities in Google My Business

Google My Business added support for hotels to login to Google My Business and update the hotel’s services and amenities details.

Hotel attributes. You can add these details within Google My Business under the hotel attributes of the console.

  1. Sign in to Google My Business.
  2. If you have multiple locations, open the location you’d like to manage.
  3. Click Info.
  4. Next to “Hotel attributes,” click Edit.
  5. Search for the attribute you want to add and fill in the information. Then, click Save

Google provides a summary of a hotel’s amenities that customers can view from Google Search and/or Google Maps. You can edit this information in your dashboard if you find any of it to be factually incorrect.

Can’t edit? Google said if you’re unable to change this information due to an error or some other issue, you can contact Google and they will be able to assist you.

You can learn more details in this help document.

Why we should care. Google is becoming the go-to-place for searchers to look to for hotel reviews, pricing and details. It is important that you keep the hotels you manage up-to-date and accurate, so that a hotel customer doesn’t get upset that the information they saw on Google doesn’t match the actual hotel’s accommodations. It is also important to keep your hotel’s details accurate by you taking the lead and controlling what is shown within Google.

(Related: Get a Google My Business deep-dive at SMX East)

About The Author

Barry Schwartz is Search Engine Land’s News Editor and owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on SEM topics.

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